So many of you know I recently went on several dates with someone that went really well but then things didn’t turn out so great.
Let’s talk about that... and let’s break down pretending to be someone you aren’t and how you are not only cheating yourself but also the other person.
I distinctly remember being on our second date and going on a pro-choice rant and him saying “I love how passionate you are about things and seeing you all fired up.”
Shortly after that, the topic of abuse was brought up and it lead to a bit of an “argument”. I use quotations because I never argued with him I just stated facts about abuse and his stance was you are stupid and I don’t feel sorry for you if you don’t leave.
I actually told him that I think the majority of people feel the same way he does but abuse is complex.
Anyway, after that “argument” he had showed a side of him I didn’t really like and hadn’t seen up until that point. He stopped communicating as well then told me he didn’t want to put the effort in to date me.
I went on vacation and while I was I was on vacation he made comments about him not wanting me to kiss anyone while I was gone and wanted to see me when I got back.
I was hesitant... but agreed to see him that following week. The day that we were supposed to see each other he canceled and tried to reschedule for the following week.
I told him I had a lot going on with the salon and would have to let him know. He then proceeded to attack me. Calling me “too much” and told me he didn’t like my views on men, politics or really anything about me.
Do I think any of that shit really has anything to do with me? Not really. Do I think he attacked my insecurities on purpose to be hurtful? Absolutely.
Is he the first to do this? NOPE! Will he be the last? Probably not. But at least I never pretended to be someone I’m not to get someone to like me. It’s gross, immature and alllll too common.
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