therapy: expensive

this THREAD of seokjin sleeping so beautiful and peaceful and serene and so endearing: free and 100% effective
seokjin's head is flat because he sleeps too much on god's lap
sleepy seokjinnie and shirtless koo!! <3
more sleepy seokjinnie airport photos 💗🐹
there is no rumours, seokjinnie is a sleepy babie hamzzi. it's a fact
just imagine being the person seokjin has to marry. . .sucks for you. . you'll have to accept that you'll ALWAYS be the uglier one in the relationship 😔✊
seokjinnie, a big fluffy polar bear
you can never compare kim seokjin to sleeping beauty. he's untouchable
sleeping beauty found dead on a ditch
he's just so beautiful. . i'm out of words
sleepy ichini kochini seokjinnie 🐹💤
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