Oh, it is #RPGaDay again! This time without questions but with inspiration.

I will try to participate with posting some of the #PersonalPlayStories that are always stuck in my head. Or any other creative nonsense I come up with.

Day 2 - Unique.

All of my characters are unique to me, so here are (almost) all I played this year. (Pregens and shared characters aside.)
#rpgaday #RPGaDay2019
Day 3 - Engage.

Thinking of my very first character ever with her "running away from arranged marriage" backstory. She just ... kept running.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 4 - Share.

I love reading and sharing RPG stories and game advice, or connecting to creators to tell them I played and liked their game. And of course events like #RpgAday that brings the community together.
Day 5 - Space.

While everyone is talking about spaceships, I am looking forward to playing my #InvisibleSun character again. She understands the words.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 6 - Ancient.

Instantly makes me think of my character on her journey through a different continent. She is a girl with a notebook, trying to save the world.

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 7 - Familiar.

Yes, this is #RpgAday meets #InvisibleSun with a #GoodOmens reference.
Day 8 - Obscure.

One of my favourite things about RPGs is the amount of fun obscure weird knowledge you gain from playing them.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 9 - Critical.

A glimpse at my most complicated character and a conversation she is about to have. This is how it plays out in my mind.

CW: addiction

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 10 - Focus.

My absolute weakness is having my phone nearby while playing and get distracted. I try to put it in another room now.

#rpgaday #RpgADay2019
Day 11 - Examine.

While y'all wrote insightful stuff about Game Design, here is a monologue by my sad con artist girl.

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #CityOfMist #PersonalPlayStories
Day 12 - Frienship.

It is as simple as the picture says. I basically maintain all my friendships through rpg.

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 13 - Mystery.

Drawn during our #CityOfMist session, which is at least a little mysterious.
#CityOfMystery #RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 14 - Guide.

I play 2 characters that mostly travel by sea. One is a prophet deeply believing in fate. One doubts herself and everything, always. It was an interesting thing to put them both in the same prompt.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 15 - Door.

Another reason why I love #Rpg AND a nod to Middle-Earth, the first fictional world I fell in love with (and also the setting of my first discussion board rpg).
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 16 - Dream.

This is from a story about my oldest character called "The dreams in which I'm dying". I wrote it years before I knew the concept of Personal Play.
#RPGaDay2019 #RpgAday #PersonalPlayStories
Day 17 - One.

I dedicate this to the Oneshot Network. Their podcasts like @OneShotRPG , @campaignpod, @sessionzeropod or @aznsrepresent are entertaining and funny and educating and influence the way I think about rpg so much.
#RPGaDay2019 #RpgAday
Day 18 - Plenty.

Meet Bert, the only fighter character I ever made. She is a big woman with a big sword and a big heart.

#RpgAday #RPGaDay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 19 - Scary.

Throwback to my first game of #TenCandles, after which I wanted to write fan fiction about @frankr821 and my characters. I never got to it, but this would have been the title.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 20 - Noble.

That is a scene that actually happened in play. My agent really dislikes priests.

#RpgAday #RPGaDay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 21 - Vast.

I don't have much time, and I have not done a #StarWars one yet, so:

Some time in the future, in a galaxy far, far away...

#RpgAday #RPGaDay2019
#PersonalPlayStories #AndTheMeilooruns
Day 22 - Lost.

Doodled on the train. Free assocations for the word LOST that might be spoken during RPG. Plus one sentence actually spoken in my rpg life! ^^

#PersonalPlayStories #RpgAday #RPGaDay2019
Day 23 - Surprise.

I hate random fight encounters just for the sake of fighting.
#RpgAday #RPGaDay2019
Day 24 - Triumph.

The most wildly triumphant thing that ever happened in my group: We killed 2 dragons that were meant to just scare us, sold their scales and leather and became immensly rich.

#RpgAday #RPGaDay2019
Day 25 - Calamity.

This is about one of my characters who is a scholar of history with a special interest in old buildings.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 26 - Idea.

I love creating things from random inspiration and I needed to make a NPC for tomorrow's session of #CityOfMist anyway, so here you go.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 27 - Suspense.

This is about Aimee, my second #CityOfMist character who is a jazz night club singer. Her Mythos is Erzulie.
#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 28 - Love.

This is from another story about my first character. She was also the first of my characters to fall in love. This was 10 years ago, but it would have made a good game of StarCrossed.

(He ended up with the Queen.)

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 29 - Evolve.

I have been thinking a lot about my characters lately. A lot of them make so much sense now. I am very curious what I'll think about my current ones in 10 years.

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
Day 30 - Connection.

This one is from my prophet/bard, inspired by her current adventures.

#rpgaday #RpgADay2019 #PersonalPlayStories
Day 31 - Last.

This is from a short story I never would have written without learning about game mechanics.

#RpgAday #RpgADay2019
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