I take comfort in knowing that one day I will definitely look back at this period of my life and laugh hysterically at this mess. It’s comforting knowing that everything is falling apart and coming together at the same time for my greater good ❤️
I mean some days literally feel like you’ll never ever see the light , but this divine knowing that all will be well as it always does makes one sleep better at night. It might not be now, or tomorrow or next week...
but eventually all the broken pieces of you will come together like a complete puzzle and you’ll understand why you had to break. First the scatter and the mess, but the end result is always a beautiful picture that makes sense.
And you’ll learn to appreciate and respect the journey a lot more when you realize that you don’t just immediately get the full picture , life doesn’t work like that. You work towards the desired result you want to see, tirelessly so and sometimes you’ll get exhausted and it’s ok
But just make sure you complete your puzzle , the coming together of the beautiful picture is all parts of your journey that shape you in order to create a wholesome you. Pause if you need to , take it one puzzle piece at a time .
That’s what it’s all about, connecting the little dots of your life and creating a beautiful picture that tells your own unique story.
You’re worth it! Don’t give up on yourself. You might be broken but you have a choice to either mend the broken pieces of you or to leave the puzzle of your life scattered. No one can put it together for you, it’s a job you owe yourself ❤️
Now gather your fucken self!
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