Positivity for fat trans people is important. The lack of exposure to it prior to coming it was one of the biggest things that held me back from transitioning. And it's depressing that what little fat trans positivity does exist is mostly fat trans people doing it for themselves
The level of support from most of the rest of the community (let alone from outside it) is vanishingly small. I wish there was more. But the problem isn't the lack of 'fat trans people are valid!' posts, it's the constant omnipresent message that skinny trans people are better
I almost never see an image of a fat trans person be held up as beautiful or 'inspiring' or 'powerful' the way that happens with thin trans people. When selfies do big numbers, it's always skinny people. Fat people are complimented way less, and only in infantilising ways
Meanwhile a lot of what might pass for fat positivity in the trans community is the same liberal body positivity crap that is prevalent in white middle-class feminist circles - praising as 'thicc' people who are basically still thin, or who have classic hourglass figures
There's a lot of tone deafness. Thin trans people are often unable to understand or be sensitive to the fact that, as real and valid as their own body image issues are, they're not in the same boat as actual fat people, who face way harsher issues both internally and externally
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