fl nation question thread.
think of this as a way for you to express yourself and for your mutuals to understand you better, so please minimize one word answers and elaborate!
i'll try to have more unique questions instead of what everyone has already seen before. feel free to dm me if you have any question ideas!
let's start with the basic

1. what's the story behind your name?
2. what's the story behind your username?
3. how many times have you moved your fl?
4. what is the worst thing that has happened to you on fl/rp?
5. do you think all fl relationships are basically rl relationships?
6. who is the most random/weirdest person you’ve ever encountered on fl? (tag them!)
7. you have a crush on your oomf right now. yes/no?
8. what’s something people always assume about you, but is never the case?
9. how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? why?
10. what's your zepeto code? let's take cute pics together. haha.. just kidding.. unlesss?
11. what personality trait has gotten you in the most trouble?
12. you were doing something out of character. what was it? what caused it? (drunk, starving, sick, etc)
13. how many people do you have on your muted and blocked lists?
14. if you had a death note in your possession, would you use it? who would you kill? why?
this is the world's most important question. think about it before you give me your answer. be an intellectual.

15. pancakes or waffles?
16. what “old person” things do you do?
17. if you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?
18. how many languages do you speak?
19. milk or cereal first? hot milk or cold milk? and what's your ultimate cereal?
20. what is your childhood nickname?
21. you're a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren't an issue?
22. if you could hack into any one computer, whose computer would you choose?
23. do you think the sorting hat sorted you into the wrong house? why?
24. have you received anything from a confession page? (@/defleurshop, @/confsession, etc). do you wish to? why?
25. describe your loml? where did you meet them? how? when and how did you realize you like them?
26. do you think it's weird to fall in love on fls/rps? how come?
27. are any of your moots completely opposite to you or are most of them similar to you?
28. what's the most embarrassing thing you've done in rps?
29. what's the most embarrassing thing you've done on fl?
30. do you have any ridiculous life goals?
31. on a day held in your honour, what would people have to do?
32. if you had a chance to look into the heart of your enemy, what do you think you would find that is different from what is in your own heart?
33. hi, how was your day? have you eaten proper meals? what's something that's bothering you right now? use this section to vent please
34. do you remember at least five of your moots’ birthdates?
35. you can only pick one oomf to have a trip around the world. who, and why?
36. if you're comfortable enough to share, what is your current job role/college major/current field of work or study?
37. do you hangout more on fl or in rp? why?
38. have fl made you feel stressed out?
39. what is your dream rp agency concept?
40. what is your version of "i love you"?
41. do you think psychic abilities truly exist? which one would you like to have?
42. when and how did you find out that santa isn't real?
43. if there’s anything that you want to undo in your fl/rp history, what is it?
44. are you an alpha, a beta, or an omega? show me your test result or you're bluffing
45. have someone ever complimented your intelligence, or straight out called you a dumb fuck?
46. your ultimate profanity? why?
47. what will be the caption of your youtube video which holds the title of the most watched video in 24 hours and get you famous?
48. which oomf that deserves the most peaceful rest?
49. bitch, have you showered today?
50. the house is on fire. but everyone is safely out, the pets are safely out, and all fortune are saved. if you could make one last dash to get something, what would it be?
51. what's one pet peeves of yours that you wish you could get rid of because it hampers your enjoyment of life?
52. if you could write one new law that everyone had to obey, what law would you create?
53. how many moots do you have their notifications on? for what reason? (i dare you to tag them)
54. if you had a theme song, what would it be? why?
55. how would you conquer the world?
56. do you double text? do you reply with long paragraphs, or are you a one word/one letter (k, y, etc) player, or worse, dots only? why? what do you gain from replying to people like that?
57. the reasons behind your punctuation marks in your texts? (habit/aesthetic purpose/a sign that you are upset, etc).
58. have you ever posted a selca? if yes, will you do it again? if not, will you ever? why?
59. would you rather burp every time you lean in for a kiss or drool every time you talk? (either way, good luck in the dating scene).
60. “ghosting is suddenly disappearing from someone’s life without so much as a call, email, or text.”

have you ghosted people, or been ghosted? how many victims? for what reason?
61. do you have pets? what are they? what do you call them? and if you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be? (you always ask who’s a good boy, but what about how’s a good boy?)
62. words/slurs you don't like to be uttered at your direction? why?
63. why do you like the person you currently adore? If you don't like anyone at the moment, what traits usually attract you to someone?
64. what is your ultimate turn on, if you're willing to say? if not, is it something most people figure out, at least?
65. what candy trumps absolutely all candy in your mind?
66. how much longer do you plan on staying on fl/rp? why?
67. do you believe in aliens? give me paragraphs of your reasoning.
68. who is that one idol/model/public figure/influencer you despise because an idiot ruined your impression of them by rp-ing said person so horribly?
69. what is your netflix’s password?
70. have you ever been catfished?
71. what's a food that, if someone chose to feed this to you, would be absolute torture to eat? why?
72. favorite item to splurge on?
73. unpopular food opinion?
74. ever took a fl/rp break? if so, for how long?
75. do you trust your instincts a lot? how correct are they usually?
76. top five support systems you have on fl? (tag them!)
77. are you right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?
78. are you the type to cuddle? in what condition?
79. the softest/cutest oomf you can think of?
80. 24 hours with someone dead/alive of your choice. who and why?
81. money can’t buy happiness. agree or disagree and why?
82. if you're comfortable in sharing, do you have a phobia?
83. who is the messiest oomf you know?
84. what's the most useless talent you have?
85. what would be on the gag reel of your life? (those moments when the audience that has been watching your life bursts out in laughter).
86. what’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it on fl?
87. if you wake up being the opposite sex, what's the first you'd do?
88. tag the scariest oomf?
89. have you made an oomf upset/angry? intentionally/unintentionally? how did you guys make up?
90. have you ever been friendzoned by an oomf without them knowing?
91. from casual oomf to lovers? tell me your story!
92. do you have a rant account?
93. do you keep one account and recycle it often or do you just make more accounts?
94. do you ever regret joining fl/rp? why exactly?
95. have you ever cried because of roleplay? what happened?
96. have you ever cried because of fl? what happened?
97. what's your opinion on oomfs who says they're leaving fl/rp but never leave?
98. are you prone to sickness/accident? what kind?
99. ever broken a bone? got injured in some weird way? tell us a story!
100. favourite nicknames/pet names from oomfs?
101. if you were born with a metaphorical sign on your forehead, what would it say?
102. things you don't like your moots do to you?
103. what takes you ages to reply to dms?
104. rabbit is shutting down (fuck!) but hey, what's your favourite genre to watch?
105. do you use the same password for literally everything?
106. dare or dare, bitch. i dare you to post a screenshot of the cutest/loveliest dms you've received lately.
you unlocked a vent section again, congratulations!

107. what do you have to say about yourself that your moots should be aware of? (e.g. i'm actually a furry in disguise, I don't like it when you rant about your feet fetish, I've never sucked a toe in my life, yadda yadda).
108. a little bit late but how old are you? if you're not willing to say then just tell me are you under 20, or over 20?
109. do you play any musical instruments? what are they? since when? for what reason?
110. which one do you use?
- gray/grey?
- color/colour?
- learned/learnt?
- humor/humour?
- favorite/favourite?
- exclamation point/exclamation mark?
111. are you purebred, or half-bred? do you mind telling me your race?
112. hypothetically, a furry oomf has a significant other on their fl, said furry oomf also has a lover in their rp, AND the same furry oomf is in a relationship with someone in their real life, too.

do you think furry's cheating? what's your opinion on cheating?
113. what’s your stance on multi-dating?
114. what’s the best compliment you’ve ever received by oomf or from a person in a rp?
115. if you were to audition to become an idol, what company would you audition for and why?
116. what’s your favorite k-pop debut song and why?
117. what’s the weirdest dream you’ve had?
118. what are some old groups you used to listen to?
119. what's a song that can instantly make you cry? dance? happy?
120. did you take any lessons as a kid, if so, which?
121. do you think people deserve second chances? third? fourth?
122. tag oomf you want to choke.
123. (nice number!) tag that one oomf you always miss whenever they're gone.
124. assign at least five colors to five of your moots and give the reasoning behind each.
125. would you rather be a beef cow or a dairy cow? beef cows get better food and quality of life but are killed and dairy cows live longer but get “uddered” everyday. wyr live a long life enjoying living in itself or instant gratification living life to the fullest?
126. what's your current mood, furry baby?
127. are you portraying right now? in which rp?
128. is there a specific type for your rp’s fc? who's your favourite fc? why?
129. @ oomf who is dear to your heart and send them a sweet message to make their day/night.
130. have you ever gotten jealous over oomf? or oomf’s oomf? for what reason?
131. who's your ultimate fl’s fc? what's the reason?
132. does your parents or any of your irls know about this fake life?
133. tag a good writer.
134. tag someone who deserve the world.
135. who's that oomf that's so different on fl and in rps?
136. has fl/rp became your priority or merely a getaway from irl?
137. the words you really need to hear from oomf right now?
138. do you usually wish for a relationship to tie you together with someone or are you satisfied with how things are going without putting on a label on it?

simply put, in relationship or nsa? give me your reasonings.
139. top 10 moots you’d save from a sinking ship? give me your reasons too bitch. entertain me.
140. is there any real life changing situation/moment happened lately caused by your fl/rp? like your mood (or worse, car) went downhill. if so, please share.
141. what's a current burning question you have?
142. why is your favorite color your favorite color?
143. @ oomf you can always call on even on bad terms.
144. what's one question you think you can ask someone, and you'd know everything you need to know about them?
145. how would you describe your best moots, and why are they your best friends?
146. if you could get on a plane today, and go anywhere in the world, where would you go, what would you do, with which oomf, and why?
147. what was something you were into in your younger years that you find embarrassing now? (no judgement)

(ok maybe a little judgement).
148. what's the most interesting piece of trivia that you know?
149. do you think it'll be cool if we, as a part of fl nation, have something to commemorate on valentine’s day?
150. (fl/rp related) what’s wrong but sounds right?
151. if you couldn’t be convicted of any one type of crime, what criminal charge would you like to be immune to?
152. in the past people were buried with the items they would need in the afterlife, what would you want buried with you so you could use it in the afterlife?
153. what’s the best/worst practical joke that you’ve played on an oomf or that was played on you?
154. which of your vices or bad habits would be the hardest to give up?
155. which oomf do you go out of your way to be nice to?
156. what food is delicious but a pain to eat?
157. which celebrity do you think is the most down to earth? (tag @2O2ft or perish!)

(i'm joking but pls tag me somewhere on your answers i want your love i promise i won't bite.)
158. what would be the worst thing to hear as you are going under anaesthesia before surgery?
159. what makes you roll your eyes every time you see it passing by your tl?
160. tag an oomf who (you know) is currently in pain and/or down with a cold and wish them well!
161. when was the last time you got to tell someone “I told you so”?
162. what’s your cure for hiccups?
163. what is your most favourite princess/barbie/disney movie? (fragile masculinity is not a thing so sit down and give me an answer!)
164. what’s the most interesting building you’ve ever seen or been in?
165. what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? (unicorn, nymph, voldemort, etc.)
166. if someone narrated your life, which oomf would you want to be the narrator?
167. when was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t? (fl/rp related only please!)
168. what tv show character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week?
169. what problem are you currently grappling with on fl?
170. what are you interested in that most people aren’t?
171. what do you think will end fl/rp for good?
172. what’s something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes?
173. show us your muted words list.
174. what's the best method in coping with fl/rp's downfall?
175. have you ever made something for oomfs? (playlist, carrd, drawings, etc) did they like it?
176. what is the most wholesome thing oomf ever done for &/ to you?
177. who is that oomf you don't want to leave the flw and tell us why.
178. what's your biggest worry when you reach old age?
179. are you a good listener? or a good advice giver?
180. how do you feel about group chat cliques or fl/rp cliques in general?
181. what is the wackiest rp’s event that you would like to live in? why?
182. do you think rl genders should stick to their fl genders? (example: girls portraying girls) why?
183. ever turned a fl relationship into a rl one?
184. do you roleplay still or just tweet and talk in dms?
185. one thing someone should know before entering the fl/rp universe?
186. how many times did you pick your nose today? did you lick your boogers, too?
187. if you ran out of toilet paper, would you consider wiping with the empty roll?
188. it's way too late into the night and you're hungry, which oomf do you think would come over to your house with a big box of pizza? why?
189. assign 10 different zodiac signs (example: give leo to a scorpio) to your top 10 moots and explain why.
190. have you ever fake-complimented someone on fl?
191. did you learn something useful from your time on fl? (new slang, languages, how to write beautifully, etc)
192. does it bother you when people tweet exaggerated ooc stuff at their rp account?
193. how long has it been for you in this fake universe?
194. how have you been doing for these past few days? did someone tell you they love you? did someone tuck you into your bed? kissed your forehead?
195. do you get bitched at by the people around you for being on phone &/ computer for most of the time?
196. if you could live with your moots, would you? why?
197. how emotionally involved do you become in your writing?
198. do you enjoy reaching out to other fls or keeping your circle small?
199. a heads up for your new oomfs about yourself?
200. make an acrostic poem about yourself or one of your oomfs.
201. tag moots you would consider as fl mom, dad, sister, brother, grandpa, grandma, twice removed cousin, ugly neighbour, etc, and why?
202. not to be that person but do you enjoy this thread? does this thread help you and your fl/rp life?

a short message for twitter user 2O2ft, maybe?!
and it's a wrap! i decided to end this thread at 202 because of the obvious reason (read: my username). thank you so much for participating and jamming my mentab with your face. i really do love you and i hope you have a great life ahead!

- your alpha, two.
You can follow @2O2ft.
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