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Little things matter
You know, Little things matter more than you can imagine. You told me about the time you injured your nose at the age of 5? I'll remember it. You messaged me at that one time you got stuck in traffic and it was past midnight? I'll remember it, even if you don't, I will.
That one time when I was down and I didn't have anyone to talk about it but you popped up, I'll take that moment to my grave. Even though it was a few seconds, I will remember it.
Little things matter, you don't know who's praying for you behind closed doors, besides you the only one close to them is Allah so if they're not reminiscing to you or their other friends, then they are reminiscing to Allah.
Just imagine, someone talking to Allah about you and you not knowing. Cherish every moment before it vanishes because there is nothing greater than making someone else smile without any effort and then getting rewarded for it from the all mighty.
Let's not regret losing someone who was once valuable to you just because they are becoming more "dependant" on you or by you becoming "busy". Let's keep the doors of communication open and work to better understand eachother.
Give good energy to receive good energy. One moment you'll be surrounded by people and the next you'll be all alone and will wonder what went wrong.
And if you already try your best and things still dont seem to be as you expected, even though you're trying your best to be there for people and enjoy their company,
and yet they don't seem to return the same energy you give them then remember that good is on its way and you will be rewarded for your patience, and you will be rewarded far greater than what you were chasing after
On the other hand, if you think you may have hurt someone or didn't pay attention to what Allah had given you, or may have given the wrong vibes, intentionally or unintentionally, but only realized once Allah took it away from you.
Then don't despair, start looking around for the small beautiful things around you that still exist and cherish them and the blessings will start increasing again. If you ever come to know someone is not in a good place right now then try your best to make sure that they are.
Make time for people who make time for you, or have ever made time for you

Speak to people who you may not have spoken to in months, but were once close to you. Just by asking someone as simple as how their day went or if they have eaten could brighten someones day
The truth is, one misunderstanding or one mistake literally ruins a whole relationship (friendships, etc), all the good times become forgotten over one small mistake. We start hating that same person who did so much for us or who we did so much for over something small
Not realising that, that same person made us laugh till we we couldn't breathe anymore. Or that same person related to you and understood you like no one else ever could.
And if you end up understanding someone who no one else can understand, but they can't understand you (Which is unlikely but can happen), then remember that you have a chance to be there for someone, don't think of them as a load, but as a blessing.
At the end of the day, I know we all should be focusing on our self but the truth is we live amongst eachother, we live with people so why not make the best of it and complete all the challenges and tests that come to us in the best of fashion and the most pleasing to Allah.
So that's why I felt I needed to write this lol.

But if anyone who you thought was close to you but are now distant, or have left your side completely or they have become strangers, remember that they have already fulfilled their role in your life.
You meet people for a few reasons; they either are a lesson for you, or you are a lesson for them, or they are your comfort. So don't despair and I know it can be hard to let go but remember that everything we know right know will be gone at some point as we know it.
Everything is temporary

May Allah protect all the good-hearted people and grant us all solidarity


Little things matter
- advice for self
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