A great #book is one, which makes you say, "WOW!" every now & then. You want to go back to it everytime you're free, even momentarily...elevator, commode, cab, dinner table. It makes you think, talk to yourself. You get lost in the conversation....and read it ever so slowly.
I've adopted new technologies in reading; prefer Kindle over physical #books. But, can't see audiobooks replacing reading.
Reading gives you time to ruminate, talk to yourself, talk to the author... audiobook, in the meantime will tread ahead.
At best, #audiobooks can be used only for lighter reading, or revisiting already read books.
If you don’t feel that you haven’t read enough, you haven’t read enough. - Nassim Taleb

You know you have started internalising a subject matter, (after reading many #books on it), when you stop treating them as a monologue. Rather, you churn your understanding with the author's & feel free to agree or disagree.
By the way, that's not the end; that's the beginning!
This is what my reading style is evolving into..

I read three #books at a time. 1 on Kindle, 1 on mobile, 1 audiobook for the car; + good blogs/articles.

I'm in no hurry. read 1 concept/idea/chapter at a time. Move to other book, while ruminating on my 1st reading in free time.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

My Trend Following traits reflect in my book reading as well. If a #book is not good enough, I don't waste a sec in cutting my loss. If it's good, I read it, slowly, highlighting good sections. After completion, I return to make notes, inculcating it. Only, then I call it over.
No No reading books is not a race!
How many books you've read is important, but not for the heck of it. When you do a quick 'touch & go', & move on to next book, you're chasing a wrong matrix!
There's author on one side, who's spent years of his/her life researching, thinking, writing on a subject matter. Reader, on the other side, is at the nadir end (or almost there) of the spectrum, looking to catapult his/her wisdom to a next level.
The objective of reading the book is to close down on the gap of knowledge & wisdom between you & the author. You do that by a spending time with the author; by reading it slowly, interacting, arguing, making notes, bringing your learning from other sources to the table..
Just knowing that one must be in a position to gain from disorder, not lose, by reading the book, Antifragile, is one thing. Inculcating the idea in flesh & blood such that it reflects in you actions, is totally another....that takes a lot of slow reading & rereading!
Key Words - close down the gap of knowledge between you & the author



If you find reading books a waste of time... here's Charlie's Munger to inspire you:

"I believe in … mastering the best that other people have figured out [rather than] sitting down and trying to dream it up yourself….
...You won’t find it that hard if you go at it Darwinlike, step by step with curious persistence. You’ll be amazed at how good you can get….
It’s a huge mistake not to absorb elementary worldly wisdom…. Your life will be enriched—not only financially but in a host of other ways—if you do."

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