Bad Fanfic with AltPaired up OT7

Jikook: *annoying gay noises*
SOPE: *smug gay noises*
Taejin: *feral gay noises*

NJ: *eccentric ace noises*
Bad Fanfic with Taekook

TH: i am a model with substance abuse issues and deep artistic ennui

JK: i am but a humble barista who can teach you how to appreciate the little things with my latte art and penis

TH: 👁👄👁
TH: i don’t drink coffee
Bad Fanfic with any Jimin ship

JM: i am a stripper

Literally anyone: listen you’re better than this—let me save you because I’m not a typical sleazy guy.

JM: came to the club and bought this dance

Literally anyone: ok so about that
Literally anyone: lemme smash
Bad Fanfic with Namkook

NJ: i feel so close to u.
NJ: like u understand me at a molecular level
NJ: how is this possible I just met you
JK, having stalked him for the entirety of high school and college: haha must be destiny
Bad Fanfic with Vhope

TH, wearing denim dungarees and a necktie with a fish on it, carrying a saxophone made entirely of pasta: listen. i am a Serious Hipster and I need to know that you can hang

HS: im an Aquarius

TH: *foams at the mouth*
Bad Fanfic with Namgi

YG: rappers these days ain’t shit
NJ: hey I maybe wrote a verse to go with a beat u produced I found on a floppy disk
NJ: it’s 1997 and we both are wearing nicotine patches
YG: o-oh
YG: *blushes*
YG: begins shrinking until too small to see
Bad Fanfic with Yoonkook

JK: *sitting, covered in tattoos*

YG: That is the babiest babie I have ever seen
JM: wot. that is practically a werewolf
YG: scuse me kid

Next day

JK: *sitting in yoon’s lap* *giggling*

JM: eye—
Bad Fanfic with ABOJikook

JK: I have a big alpha dick
JM: I’m not interested for perfectly valid reasons
JK: it’s bIG
JM: actually u know what u have a point
Bad Fanfic with Jinkook

JK: wow it sure is great being popular and wealthy and built as hell basically untoucha—
SJ: ssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuup
SJ: 👄✨
JK: who tf r u
SJ: 😏


JK, bent over the couch: this doesn’t mean I like u
SJ: if u talk i can’t finish
Bad Fanfic with Yoonjin

SJ: hey I noticed u haven’t eaten anything but mustard for a week so I baked u a quiche
YG, ten cups of coffee deep: oh
YG: *drops to his knees, undoes SJ’s pants*
SJ: wtF
YG: this is how humans repay basic kindness
SJ: ok lemme set this quiche down
Bad Fanfic with Vmon

TH, giggling: we met online
NJ: we met online
TH: i swore i could make his life magical
NJ: i thought it was banter
TH: so we’ve been stargazing at midnight, we drink schnapps with the sunrise and count frogs at dusk
NJ: i haven’t slept in months
NJ: help
Bad Fanfic with Hopekook

HS: *very clumsy*
JK, saving him from traffic: woah be careful little guy


JK: i can’t wait to have u inside me
HS: wait but aren’t u a t—
JK: no i thought u—
JK: welp
JK: how about we dry-hump while watching HSM
HS:yeah alright
Bad Fanfic with Taejin:

SJ: can i get the...noodles
TH, eyebrow quirked: yeah? you want them? gonna suck down these noodles?
SJ, loosening his tie: yeah, put those slippery noodles in my mouth
TH, licking his lips: careful, they’
SJ: so hot

OT5: i am uncomfortable
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