Today is the 6 year mark of my older brother passing away. July is a hard month. July 25 is forever a bad day. Even our shared birthday next month is hard. So I want to take a moment to raise a little awareness.
I don’t give a rat’s ass how silly you think you look, if you are skateboarding, longboarding, biking, whatever, wear a helmet. Get one that fits. Make it look cute, whatever it takes.
On July 14, 2013 my older brother, who longboarded everywhere, hit a patch of mud. He kept going while his board did not. The fall caused a traumatic brain injury that kept him on life support for 11 days until his brain stopped working.
It was an accident. A tragic accident. Had he been wearing some type of protective gear, I might still have my Casey here. He protected me. He loved me. And I miss that man so much. Wear a damn helmet.
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