One good thing abt today is that I manage the walk/jog at the gym for the first time since my surgery
Felt a little stiff but it didn’t hurt soo ig we’re making progress
First one minute full jog today, we moving forward slowly
And I didn’t feel anything down in my leg. Pls let me recover fully with no pain so I can run soon 🙏🏼
Guess who managed to jog for 5 mins straight today!!!
Ngl I’ve been running a little bit faster now and then
No pain while I’m running it’s after that it creeps up so we gotta work on that
I’m slowly getting into it, although my fastest right now isn’t even the pace I warmed up with before surgery sjshshh
But we getting there
Been a while since update but it haven’t felt all that good tbh. Maybe I should include it for myself. Although this is kinda sensitive for me since I don’t think other than good results are worth mentioning.. it makes me feel like a failure when it’s not positive
But on another note I could run for 20 mins at the speed I usually do when I go for a light run. And it doesn’t hurt in my nerve today I’m so thankful for that 😭
Ever since I started to incorporate weights slowly and regularly it has started to feel so much better.
It’s almost been a year now since my surgery and I hope it’ll only feel better from here on
So what has happens since I updated this thread? I’ve been slowly getting intervals in my workouts which sometimes didn’t feel good.
I’ve also been to the doctors for a check up and might have to remove some screws (pray for me that my body adjust and I don’t have to go through another surgery)
I’ve been able to start lifting weights more regularly which is starting to feel better and better each time
I’ve also incorporated intervals with burpees in between each interval. Which felt surprisingly good the two times I’ve done it
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