
There is no cancel culture. Cancel was originally coined by the black community as a way to vocally declare you no longer had our support.

It wasn't until it was co-adopted that it became "cancel culture"
Like most black phrases they get picked for how "fun" they sound.

Then there repeated endless across memes and popular media until the definition is lost.

Only for white people to eventually rebrand it as they want to use it.
And because of the sheer numbers involved, there new definition gets taken is the origin.

It's another and old as fuck form of Columbusing and it's annoying.

Now everything is being sanitized back into the neutral territory that white people love.
All because when there "cancel" they think,

"What if its ME"

And it's at that junction that so much civil action has died.
Hey. You.

Stop showing up in the comments to give your stale opinion on why "Cancel culture" is a thing.

Read the article, chew on it and shut up. I'm not your therapist and your only going to get ragged on.
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