Ngl sometimes people ask me how I managed to do xyz. I'll be honest 👀 my faith helped me a lot and I can only give the glory to God cause it wasn't my own strength. Especially the past 5 years. I'm someone that doesn't want to bother others with whatever I struggle with cause +
I know I have a lot to grateful for to even be in the position I'm in. Even when people compliment me on my abilities I can't think to be prideful or arrogant because I know I couldn't have gotten this far on my own. There are people better than me who could be more qualified +
and perhaps could be considered more deserving of certain opportunities but the fact that I'm able to get them is something I feel I can't credit myself for. It isn't about me and I don't feel talents/abilities are for myself. If what I'm doing isn't enriching others then +
Lol typo (I don't feel 'my' talents/abilities are for myself)

then it isn't worth it.
Okay this was long I'll stop now.
But also, I feel I still have further to go on this journey where I aim to continue to grow and develop myself. I know there's this saying about being the best version of yourself, but I feel that's a continuous process and I should keep striving for growth + self improvement 👀
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