Thread on why Journalism is so terrible. 1/
I’m tired of reading and seeing news stories that push agendas. I don’t care if it’s right or left. I’m getting tired of having to do the work of “journalists”. So I decided to see what the J-Schools are teaching. 2/
I looked at ~20 schools and noticed that each one has mandatory ethics classes which I find interesting since it’s clear that ethics in journalism has been replaced by partisanship reporting. 3/
Ethics classes are required to be taken early on – 1st/2nd year. Then students can move into their specialized fields – writing, news, new, social media 4/
I also noticed every uni stressed to their students about how important it was to report the truth and how journalism is the sunlight democracies need to exist. 5/
For the most part the core curriculum of each school was the same. Classes on storytelling, writing, culture, politics, sports, investigative reporting, etc. 6/
I also noticed was a large number of 300/400-level grievance studies electives students were recommended to take around what would be someone’s jr/sr year - after you’re finished with your core classes. 7/
So grievance studies classes are being taken towards the end of a college education right before someone would emerge into the workforce - after they’ve taken their ethics classes about integrity, honesty, and the truth. 8/
Shouldn’t journalism majors end with ethics classes - especially since grievance studies ignores objective truth and replaces it with activism based on the subjective lived experience. 9/
I also looked at what were some of the “top” j-schools and took some screenshots. I found these pretty telling and will let the pics speak for themselves. UPenn 10/
USC 11/
American 12/
Missouri 13/
Northwestern 14/
What I also found was that schools that weren’t mainlining social justice were still dancing all around it with SJW buzz words. 15/
The point is that grievance studies promotes activism over objective truth which is what the top j-schools are now teaching. So instead of objective journalists we have activist journalists. 16/
Things won’t improve until adults retake control of the unis – and I don’t see this happening any time soon. end/
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