I decided over weekend that I will burn my teeny Gatsby powered portfolio site down and get back to basics. Why? Gatsby is overkill. The only states *I'm* concerned about managing are emotional. I don't need javascript for that! Will share progress as it happens...
Blog wish list:
1) No js to be served to the user unless I add it for something speccy
2) The flexibility to be able to theme individual posts like @TrentWalton does
3) A CMS that allows for multiple page templates so I can write smaller posts or longer custom case study thingos
4) Preferably no server/hosting/database shenanigans because yawn
5) Ideally using a static site generator

... ok going for a walk in the woods now đź‘‹
What is our purpose in life?
Big news everyone - it's been a year and a month (nearly) since this thread but I finally installed the Eleventy starter kit from @hankchizljaw. I'm gonna spend a few nights on my holidays pulling it apart and implementing my Gatsby powered blog design. 🧙‍♂️
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