Ok. It’s almost a year past due, but I’m reading Shigurui (Death Frenzy), so I can use my new power as Anime Corespondent to bring it into future podcast discussion
I love Mie. A character who holds such personal strengthin a world where she is denied the smallest scrap of autonomy or dignity
Gonzemon is fucking wild cause he got mutilated for darring to suggest that Mie should be wedded to a man who respects her, but he also eats a concubine’s nipple.
Spoilers, none of the three referenced is the dude who literally ate a nipple.
Shigurui slaps
There isn’t an actual old tiger with a sword, it’s just symbolic
Fellas, you ever strip down to your fundoshi and watch a turtle lay eggs with all of your bros?
Wonder what pivotal event goes down in this chapter....🤔
Fellas, is it gay to kill your childhood love than casterate yourself with your bare hands to become the perfect samurai?
I love the anime, but holy shit I love the weird animal demon visuals the manga has
I love her even more now 👀🍆
This one isn’t symbolic, there really is a man eating baboon in this
Finally finished it. Bleak as hell, but worth reading if you got a high tolerance for body horror and the cruelty of man when they think it’s the “right” thing to do
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