Anti-Semitic “dog whistle”? Delivered at a conference organized by an Israeli Jew, to an audience of many Jewish-Americans, and from a guy who has been an ardent advocate of the state of Israel and the Jewish people? Nice try.
You’ll have to carry me out on a slab before I compromise my defense of the Jewish people, their greatness, their history, their safety, and the state of Israel
The liberal elites hate this speech because it calls out their failure. It calls out their pretentiousness, their arrogance, their fake “meritocracy,” their disdain for the middle of our society
It calls out their alliance with the multinational corporations, their devaluing of American labor, and the disastrous economic & social results: lost jobs, hollowed out middle class, surging deaths of despair
And it calls out the failures of the Right as well, including the Right’s infatuation with hyper-globalization. I will not be cowed by the liberal language police and I will not stop speaking up for the people who sent me here
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