Story time,

I Need U's first win(2015)

ARMYs were so happy celebrating it with the boys, it was a great achievement for our fandom back then afterall. But you know what the kpop community did right after the win was announced? They accused BTS of saj@egi and pl@giarism 
Both kARMYs and iARMYs worked together to collect evidence that they bought all of the BTS album legally, all the voting and everything was done legally. Nobody cheated. But the accusations and slander didn't stop. It reached such an extreme stage, even Bangtan responded.
Yoongi tweeted "after I started making music I made a promise that I won't joke around music and I've never done it. It's hard but believe me and please watch me, I'll make good music for you if you allow me to"
Fast-forward to not far, just next year, (2016) BTS won their first daesang

The whole kpop community trended hate hashtags against BTS both internationally and in SK so much so that the boys saw it.
Plag@rismBTS trended, rookie BTS survived this.
The sajaegi accusations drove BH to the court where it was all cleared up as a lie made up to slander, after proper receipts were shown. But did that stop antis? Nope.
They even crashed down the blue house official petition site by making constant "BTS disbandment" petitions and petitions to take away their first ever Daesang.
The hate never stopped. Only we as a fandom grew bigger and stronger. The only difference is that today, ARMY is big enough to fight back with receipts and sources and BTS is big enough to achieve greater things.
Even today if you google sajaegi, the scandal of BTS poppes up in the search results. This is what those monsters did to an innocent group. How dare you sht on ARMYs like you did and dare to question our dedication to BTS when this fandom has survived THIS.
In fact, hate tweets towards BTS get thousands and thousands of likes and retweets even today, there is absolutely nothing that BTS has achieved and not been sh/tted on for by the kpop community. And this is exactly why ARMYs flaunt the receipts, we refuse to be sht on anymore
Someone from your fandom probably sh/tted on BTS to gain validation from their kpoppie moots and ARMYs clapped back with receipts to put the fcker in their place and a harmless comment like "your fave is flop" got your panties in a twist +
and you felt like you had the right to sht on ARMYs dedication to BTS. Goofy bishes. Y'all have no idea what ARMYs have faced for BTS, in 2013 and still, in 2019. The dedication hasn't changed and it only grows stronger.
Oh and never ever compare someone calling your fave flop to the hell BTS has went through when they were rookies. Y'all bishes would unstan and hide under the couch if yall were to face that level of actual hate where an entire community collectively tries to destroy your faves
Since I'm seeing quite a number of new ARMYs responding, I'm sorry I never made a proper thread about this. Mainly coz I only speak about these past events when I clap back. But I do have more receipts here and there, feel free to explore the past of BTS.
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