Things to teach my son:
1. There is a thing called white privilege. It is part of a system that hurts a lot of people. You and I benefit from it, but only because others suffer. It is our enemy and we must work to tear it down.
2. There is a thing called toxic masculinity and it truly is poison. Respect for women and girls is the antidote. Females have much to teach you, listen to them. Some may need your help, support and/or protect them. Above all, do not fear them, adore them.
3. There are people called bullies and they do a lot of harm. You will almost always be the biggest kid in the room, never use your size to intimidate. Always use your size, and your wits, to help others and protect them from bullies. Be gentle.
4. There are many people persecuted for who they are and who they love. These are our people. We love them and support them. That is why Pride is more than an emotion, it's a holiday.
5. An enemy in the desert has only the desert for an enemy. We must be generous and accommodating with our guests. When a visitor enters our home we offer them something to drink.
6. If you spend all your time eating outrage you will become engorged. And you will starve.
7. However much you may doubt yourself in this world, know that I believe in you more.
Wow, Sonny. So much has changed since I started this thread. I'm sorry you can't see friends, can't play firefighter with your teacher, can't go out to eat, can't hit the playground every day. I'm so sorry. As with everything else though, I am here. I am here for you, my boy.
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