Top 4 #BigFinish releases for Docs 4-8.

1. The Trouble With Drax - Brilliantly original crime caper farce.
2. The English Way Of Death - Delightfully dotty horror pseudo historical.
3. The Auntie Matter - Perfect Wodehouse/Who gene splicing.
4. The Romance Of Crime - Pure S17.
1. The Kingmaker - Hilarious, inventive, audacious, time-wimey masterpiece.
2. Fanfare For The Common Men - Genius idea, would make a great movie.
3. Circular Time - Beautifully written and sincerely acted character study.
4. The Secret History - Clever, fun, witty adventure.
1. The Holy Terror - Perhaps the greatest of the lot. Funny, horrifying, profound.
2. The One Doctor - Exuberantly fun and blissfully silly adventure.
3. Doctor Who And The Pirates - Funny, bold, glorious and heartbreaking.
4. Jubilee - A superbly nasty black comedy.
1. The Two Masters - The Master story I didn't know I always wanted.
2. Master - An intense and creepy as hell character piece.
3. The Shadow Of The Scourge - The New Adventures brought to life.
4. All Consuming Fire - A great team up for a great adventure.
1. The Chimes Of Midnight - Deeply unsettling, in a good way.
2. Seasons Of Fear - Ambitious character study and adventure yarn.
3. Situation Vacant - Proper good fun. Always need something that's just fun.
4. Max Warp - Again, can't state this often enough. Fun is essential.
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