when you're sad but you hear jung subin's laugh — a healing thread
subin laughing doubled my life span 😩
how can u hit a baby with that laugh ;;
maybe i'll just watch this loop until pdx finale
they gave him free wishes per member and he asked byungchan (a hyung) to massage his shoulders lmao hear that evil laugh
luv it when he covers his mouth with both hands when laughing he cute af ㅜㅜㅠ
me, cracking up in a vid im watching even when my friends don't find it funny
thank you chan for eliciting that laugh from subin ;; https://twitter.com/JSB_archive/status/1151159428969709568/video/1
Chan: ya Subin-ah it's done! you're a cf **** model! you're a model! a model!
we get it you're effortlessly cute ok 😭
End of thread — no sound but i know yall can hear it skskskksks
BONUS: SF9 Youngbin imitating Subin's laugh and saying that he's cute. ✨
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