If the Fourth Estate in the USA was worth a damn, they’d be getting every single Congresscritter and Senator - D and R - on the record with their response to:

“What will you do if Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the end of his term?”
This isn’t a far-fetched hypothetical. This is a man with zero respect for norms and conventions, zero regard for the orderly conduct of governance, zero understanding of why he can’t just have everything he wants, right away and forever, no questions asked ...
You honestly think he hasn’t been having many discussions about why he can’t just use emergency powers to suspend elections and stay President indefinitely?

And if you’re counting on sensible, ethical Republicans to step in, good luck finding one.
Impeachment is small potatoes compared to the spectre of a rogue US President who is propped up by half the political establishment because of party discipline.

The man says anything that doesn’t flatter him or support him is fake, is illegal, is illegitimate, is corrupt.
Supposing he gets voted out, what happens when he declares the election result invalid?

When he calls for his followers to take to the streets in support of his continued rule?

When he occupies the Oval Office and can’t be physically removed?
The entire concept of “the consent of the governed” is being stretched to breaking point in this era.

We need people in positions of power who are able to think about contingencies for when the system falls apart.

Strong words might not be enough here.
See, this is what I’m talking about here.

Trump is a man whose entire life revolves around seeing what he can get away with, and then taking refuge in audacity.

I genuinely fear he will not relinquish the Presidency willingly. Ever.
Someone really needs to have a collection of all the times Trump has “””joked””” about never leaving office. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1203537499303231489
And here it is. Other members of the Republican Party openly calling for an unconstitutional extension of Trump’s term of office because they’re pissy about the impeachment hearings. https://twitter.com/angryblacklady/status/1205233775493255168
They’re just going to ignore the Twenty-Second Amendment. Straight-up gonna let this man be an emperor for life. Simply out of spite.

Dear @GOP
You don’t get to re-write the rules of the game because your guy is losing. This man isn’t worth ruining democracy for.
No love,
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