Okay, I'm a bit (very) tired about the "AoT is nazi propaganda" bs, so I just gonna make a thread to tell why AoT is exactly the opposite, to copy/paste to ppl who parrots misinformation.


Now, first let's summarize what the Nazi ideology.
Nazi ideology can be summarized in these points.
>The empowerment of the state through an all powerful warlord.
>Conquest of "inferior" nations
>And related to the first and latter point, misinformation based in racist prejudices.
Let's touch each point.

Is AoT racist?

AoT never validates racism, it talks against it, take Gaby for example, his character development is understand that even when someone taught her that Eldians (the oh so called Jews) were demons, evil, she was wrong.

Y'all must know how Hitler loved this one. Does AoT support this idea?
The idea about how we must only preserve a "perfect" race?

The empowerment of the state through an all powerful warlord.

Did AoT support that?
In season 3 they did a coup to a dictatorial government and even tho they had the opportunity to put a warlord and the army in the power, they gave the position to the rightful queen.

It's not one or twice, AoT talks multiple times against indoctrination in different ways. Showing how harmful can be for children and how twisted the ppl who do that can be, the harm it does to ppl like Reiner who even developed a mental disorder.
Misinformation based on racist prejudices.

Nazis blamed Jews for crimes they didn't commit for stereotypes, they blame the whole race for crimes a few committed making them look like the enemy.

AoT speaks loud against this. What's more the truth is one of the main goals there.

Freedom is a constant topic in AoT. Things like walls, war, oppression are always showed as something negative.
Talk about AoT supporting conquest on "inferior" countries is ridiculous.
So well, this is the end, AoT is not nazi propaganda as you can see but it actually actively speaks against any nazi ideology.
The rest is only ugly rumors and a lot of misinformation and like I said that's one of the things AoT disapproves.
Adding a FAQ for nasty rumors that have literally no base more than gross Tumblr posts from Martha 776 who don't know anything about history or the plot but somehow her opinion is important because knowledge selection is a thing!
"But the titans are jews and Isayama portrait them like titans is nasty"

No, the titans are Eldians who suffer discrimination and murder. And of course is horrible, that's the point, that Marley are doing horrible things to Eldians, they transform them into titans.
"Ah but Pixis is modeled after Akiyama Yoshifuru and he was a war criminal of WW2"
No, he was not. He died in 1930, there's ppl who theorize he killed Koreans during a masacre in an invasion but there's really no proof of it. And also Pixis values human life over anything else.
"The author posted racist and facist tweets, he's a horrible person"
He didn't, those tweets come from a locked account who has never confirmed to be Isayama's and he never said nothing pro facist or racist in any interview.
His work speaks loud about what his actual position is.

Eren and co. are Eldians as well, part of the objective of the show is how slowly they all realize the origin of the titans and what they did. At the end Eren who was the most enthusiastic one shows compassion.
"But show media with WW2 coded topics is wrong"
No, it's not.
We have to talk of these topics as frequently as possible so we don't forget, if we forget the tragedy can repeat itself in the form of something else.
"Titans have big noses, that makes them Jews, you blind fool"

As as wise person said once "they are titans, they have big everything"
"Erwin is named after a nazi war criminal, iugh"

Erwin Rommel tried to kill Hitler, was against antisemitism and apparently didn't even know that concentration camps existed.

Also Erwin is also modeled after Captain America and Superman ao uhum...
"Keep watching your big monster boring show"

Yup, that's what I plan to do.
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