The Guardian published a letter from "prominent members of the Jewish community" defending a Labour MP who'd been suspended from the party over his anti-Semitism. Signatories included a Holocaust denier, a fake member of an anti-hate group, and other anti-Semites.

Today: Oops.
One of the signatories to this letter literally wrote "Rothschild funded both the British and the French Napoleonic wars," "Jews do not pray to Jesus, they killed him," "thankfully the Hispanics are outbreeding the Jews in New York," and "Zionists are animals to be exterminated."
Another signatory to this letter is Richard Falk, who is a bona fide *9/11 truther* in addition to being an anti-Semite. I wrote about him ages ago. This is all public record stuff which you'd think an editor would have checked before publishing.
If you're new to this and want to get a sense of the toxic brew of anti-Semitism, bigotry, and misogyny that's been whipped up in the British Labour party, take a look at the abuse directed by "leftists" at Jewish TV personality @RachelRileyRR over her calling out anti-Semitism.
And now this literally just happened: the former Labour Party general secretary and a member of the House of Lords has resigned from the party, writing, "the Labour Party is very plainly institutionally antisemitic, and its leader [Jeremy Corbyn] and his circle are antisemitic."
And another prominent member resigns from the Labour party:
🚨 The BBC is now airing a bombshell investigative report exposing institutionalized anti-Semitism in the UK Labour party under leader Jeremy Corbyn. Labour had hired lawyers to scare people into not talking to the BBC.

This thread is live-tweeting some of the ugly revelations:
If you honestly don't believe that anti-Semitism exists on the political left, or that it has not been yoked to power there, you probably should watch this report.
The BBC is airing an investigative report featuring former employees and members of the UK Labour party exposing its widespread anti-Semitism.

Beforehand, Labour tried to shut those people up with legal threats. Having failed, they're now attacking the media.

Sound familiar?
Whistleblowers of the highest ranks are exposing anti-Jewish bigotry in the British Labour party right now on the BBC.

Below is the Labour party's official response. Guys, just say "fake news!" You know you want to.
Unreal reporting from the BBC just now:

The British Labour party officials in charge of handling racism complaints were so impeded by party leadership cronies from fighting anti-Semitism that they quit, had mental breakdowns, and contemplated suicide.
Former Labour member of parliament and chief spokesman for Prime Minister Gordon Brown on the BBC report that just aired exposing anti-Semitism in the Labour party:
Wow. After the BBC aired its report exposing anti-Semitism in the UK Labour party, Labour's own press account tweeted that the party was "institutionally racist." They now claim they were somehow "hacked." More likely, some decent person told the truth and is about to get fired.
If you're the @LabourPress rogue tweeter who used the account to hold the party accountable on anti-Semitism, my DMs are open...
The former head of the British Labour party's complaints division, tasked with fighting racism within the party, said he was so undermined by party leadership in combating anti-Semitism that he contemplated suicide.

Labour supporter's response on TV: lol, suck it up snowflake
This is Louise Withers Green.

She worked in the UK Labour party office tasked with fighting racism.

She saw party leadership preventing anti-Semites from being punished.

She violated her non-disclosure agreement to blow the whistle on the BBC.

“I am genuinely quite scared about what the rising rhetoric of anti-Jewish racism means for Jews and for the country. The thought of things getting worse, and me not speaking out when I could, I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself.”
The British Labour party is currently under investigation by the country's Equality and Human Rights Commission over whether it has discriminated against Jews. And the dominoes are beginning to drop.
Whistleblower after whistleblower keeps coming forward from inside the anti-racism unit of the British Labour party to expose how the party's leadership has repeatedly covered for anti-Semitism among members. Read this thread. Don't look away.
I wrote a short primer on the British Labour party's anti-Semitism scandal, which has been unfolding for *years*. It's one of the most shameful anti-Semitism outbreaks of modern times: an avowedly anti-racist party institutionally persecuting Jews.
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