In “an Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary” compiled by Sir E A Wallis Budge (an English Egyptologist, Orientalist, and philologist) the word KHENT means THE BIGINNING, the LAND SOUTH OF EGYPT.
KHENTI which also means the SOUTH LAND also means ANY PROMINENT PLACE. The language of the ancient Egyptians makes it clear where their origins were. “We came from the beginning of the Nile...”. Never forget where you came from, know thyself, remember your ancestors. Asé 🙌🏿
Regardless of what the descendants of invaders such as Zahi Hawass say we know the truth because our ancestors laid down a history and heritage that speaks for them and who they were.
Valley of the Kings; Tomb of Ramses III clearly depicts himself identical to the rest of the Afrikans, why? Because even 3000 years ago the ancient Egyptians were Unapologetically Afrikan and wanted every generation to follow to know and not mistaken their identity. Asé 🙌🏿
User Maat Ra Septen Ra suckled by Auset with the inscription:

“I am thy mother Auset, LADY OF NUBIA. I have given thee jubilees through my milk. It penetrates thy body with life and dominion.”

Auset was a Nubian goddess who came be worshipped later in Asia & Europe.
In “OSIRIS AND THE EGYPTIAN RESURRECTI0N” (illustrated after drawings from Egyptian papyri and monuments) Sir EA Wallis Budge (keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities in the British museum) makes a finding that Ausar was an Afrikan woman.
Furthermore the cultural similarities between the ancient Kemet & the Kongo are way too coincidental to be a mere coincidence,no other people(outside Afrika) have such striking similarities with the ancient people of the Nile Valley as the people of the Great Lakes,S.Afrika, Etc.
It’s only on the monuments in Kemet, it’s still being practiced where the ancient people of the Nile Valley came from. There are no such links between ancient Kemet & any people outside of Afrika.
The ancient Egyptians called themselves uNTU (abaNTU). So the foreign Euro classification of who are abaNTU are is not consistent with ancient text. All Afrikans are abaNTU; from Cape to Cairo, we all have a common ancestor and a common culture.
This Afrikan family(Asar the Black man of the Nile&his Black wife Auset & son Heru) is the FOUNDATION of all world SYSTEMS from Freemasonry, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Architecture, Astronomy, Theatre 🎭,Etc.The Black Family is the only REDEMPTION for Afrikans & the world. 1/2
Even as Auset went about the land of Kemet looking for Ausar’s broken pieces &RE-MEMBERED his body, when we restore the MEMORY of who we were we will RE-MEMBER who we are. As people from Matrilineal Societies we must empower the Afrikan woman to take her place of RESTORER. Asé 🙌🏿
The last legitimate rulers of Kemt was the 25th Dynasty from Kush in the South, that’s because the pharaonic order originated in the South. The Southerners often brought restoration after barbarians from the North invaded and destabilized the Order; Maat!
LIBATIONS are strictly Afrikan culture introduced to non-Afrikans through ancient contact (Eg. Ancient Greeks) and the Bible (a copy of Ancient Afrikan Spirituality); YES Afrika IS a country (Cape to Cairo, Morocco to Madagascar)
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