Ok Day 8! Most unnecessary scene! There are so many to choose from obviously, but I'm gonna focus on all the ones in a *single* ep because they were the most egregious when time was at its most precious.
Season 2 Ep 26.
#14daysçukur #cukur
Ok, this scene gave us a couple of snickers and a great Cumali/Salih moment. But it also gave us ELEVEN MINUTES of useless baggage. What are we doing here people there are things Yamaç needs to know. My god.
We spent the first 7.5 minutes rehashing the last 7.5 minutes of last week's episode. (Do they not know what we do all week?) And they replayed parts of this scene again *two more times* before it ended! That's almost 9 minutes of waste!
Our good friend Meliha spends three separate scenes with a total of 3 minutes staring out a window while fretting over a phone.
Saadet goes in hard on Damla, which actually could have been something if it was ever revisited again but they don't actually interact again for the rest of the season. 2.5 minutes down the drain.
Yamaç is having a full melt down and Sena has some time left on this earth but this dipshit needs a 6 minute sing n' sob session while we wait. Why not. We've got time.
We watched Remzi walk a block and a half and climb a full building of stairs. 1 more full minute gone.
Damla has a techie friend! How nice. A minute and a half.
Idris has a lawyer apparently? Did this actor win a contest? 2 minutes gone.
And last but DEFINITELY not least, we have the grand time waste to beat all time waste. That it was to service a crossover is just salt in the wound. With THREE MINUTES OF JUST WALKING this scene eats up 12 minutes of our precious time. Çukur presents: Strangers from Another Show
That's a total of about 47 minutes, a full third of the ep wasted on things that did nothing and went nowhere. Time that we and Yamaç were desperate for more of. We put up with a lot of unnecessary filler in this show but this whole ep was just a *beast* of leisure amidst chaos.
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