I didn't want to speak of this because I knew it would cause more drama but at this point, If more drama happens.. im at a point where i can deal with it. this thread isnt to hurt anyone, its just here so people dont blindly follow people anymore. Heres my thread.
I met @/leavecxty in a groupchat for p!atd maybe a little before this time last year. He had a crush on me. I didn't like him back and the things he would dm me made me feel uncomfortable.
After denying him, I came out as transgender. He felt lied to or maybe even lead on because i was born female and he basically called me a catfish for not stating it when I met him. He would use quotations around my chosen name and would misgender me on purpose.
Keep in mind I was new to the p!atd fandom and he was one of the first people i met, so it kinda ruined my experience being in that fandom. I met so so many wonderful people in a new groupchat.
////TRIGGERWARNING/// obviously tris didnt stop there. He basically made threads about me all the time which caused me to have several panic attacks. Those lead to suicide attempts. He told everyone i did it for attention.
I met a girl who claimed she was pregnant, and lied to her sister and me about it. Tris found the situation the perfect time to mock me and make everything I say seem like a lie.
////TRIGGER WARNING//// Eventually, last august I had a suicide attempt because of everything. I felt completely worthless and felt the only way to get rid of the rumors was to die. So I did. Tris was sarcastic under my suicide attempt tweets and shortly after made a thread-
stating that I had faked it.
I am more than appreciative for the people who supported me during that rough time, and some of you guys are still here and have stuck with me. I love you.
before the attempt, these are the kinds of tweets he would harass me with.
More about the pregnant girl.
Throughout all of this, I would dm him and apologize for fighting back and he would never ever say sorry. I apologized for ME being hurt my him and his actions and i have never recieved a sorry in return, just more rumors.
during one of my attempts, he dmed me and told me that im just doing it for attention and that he was going to call the police. reasonably so if he had been worried, in which he was not.
This is not the only time he has threatened police, he actually called them. Telling them I was a stalker or that I was dangerous. I was terrified for my life that the twitter drama would make it to real life once again. He denies ever calling them, but he tweeted full details-
along with the state i live in.
sorry this thread is jumpy... I dated a person named Tyler. Me and tyler hadnt been dating very long and he had started asking me questions that i wasn't comfortable with and talking about scary subjects for me.
I froze up and I ignored him and dry texted him. I apologize, it wasnt the right thing to do but i didnt know what was. Tris ended up getting with tyler the same day or a day after or so that me and tyler broke up. Tris tweeted this, and it still makes me insecure about-
being in relationships that i back off and push people away because ive heard "youre a terrible boyfriend" so many times that at this point i fully 100% believe it.
After all of the rumors kind of died down, I changed my name to try to get some relief. He ended up attacking me more and ruining that name for me as well so I changed it.
Since then he has come out and said that he's used the r slur as well as said the n word multiple times. He has jokes about pedophilia and has made anorexia jokes.
he confessed of this, you can find the tweets if he reactivates as I didnt have enough time to screenshot that.
i am not the only one who has dealt with him unfortunately abd he has hurt many people and/or made them uncomfortable.
I didnt make this thread to start a hate fest. I believe it is important to call someone out for their wrong doings and not always just defend them, even if you are friends with them. its important that he learns to correct his toxic behavior. If i forgot anything, i will add it-
later but as far as i know ive touched mostly every subject i needed to. If you have any more information, feel free to dm me and i can add it in anonymously or feel free to reply with it.
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