A thread consolidating all the book reviews, notes and highlights I have posted on Twitter in the past one year. Hope to keep on adding to this list as we go along. (1/n)
"Your Money or Your Life" - This book is acknowledged as one of the pioneers of the Financial Independence movement (2/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1036119368671711235
"Thinking in Bets" - Making better decisions when dealing with uncertainty. https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1086955536984072193
"The Art of The Good Life" - Good life, not the ideal life. Will challenge some long held beliefs. (4/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1135035464979632128
"The Lessons in History" - A classic. Imagine the learnings from history summarised in 128 pages. (5/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1078237646764163072
On Groundless Fears - From Letters From a Stoic, A timeless classic. Written around 63 A.D. but more relevant in today's world than ever (6/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1048731475254816770
"What I learned losing a million dollars" - A book I wish I had read when I first started trading (7/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1020439788380307456
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear - How to build and stick to good habits and get rid of bad ones (8/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1152808371814191105?s=20
"The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran - A literary masterpiece (9/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1163272043686576128?s=20
"How to Say No Effectively" from the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown (10/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1168126745003692038?s=20
"Letters from a Stoic" by Seneca. A timeless classic. A literary masterpiece. (11/n) https://twitter.com/position_trader/status/1233016710405423105?s=20
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