I'm almost a Florida domiciled dude, what happened in NYC and San Francisco (where I recently sold my condo) is contagious. Quick discussion of some migratory notes.
Is it an asymmetric war = Pensions of Public Employees vs. The Taxed Few
The pensioners can’t switch pension programs
The taxed few can move to lower-tax states.
Promises made by polis wont be kept, despite constant assurances to the contrary, and those expecting services and taxes to remain untouched will be shocked by the massive cuts...
...in services + equally massive tax increases to save the Titanic.
If your choice is a sclerotic 1party-dictatorship reeking of hubris or relocate to innovative cities/towns that are low-cost and responsive to the "taxed", that wants small businesses, etc...what would you do?
The "taxed" are paying most taxes, we can live anywhere there is wifi.
If you are the "taxed" with a young family, hard NOT to notice that schools are getting stripped of enrichment programs and/or most worthwhile things to satisfy a child's intellectual curiosity.
Elites can no longer sell that fantasy that NYC, Boston, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, etc., are irresistible, they’re not. They’re great for those feeding at the trough but not so great for those filling the trough.

p.s There’s gonna be a lot of rioting and burning up shit
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