A Running Thread of Dial-A-Prayer Show Highlights:
- Lead pastor proclaiming that the red of the American flag is for "the blood of Jesus"
- Prayers said for a malfunctioning tractor (a Cub Cadet if that makes a difference)
- "If you could use a donkey, you can use me."
- "...the big daddy God that we serve..."
Tonight's Dial-A-Prayer Pastor says that apparently HIV can be "eliminated by the blood of Jesus."
Current Dial-A-Prayer story is about how the normal Thursday night host's childhood pastor was delivered of a life of drug dealing thanks to the Holy Spirit. I just... sometimes... I can't.
Misheard tonight's Dial-A-Prayer pastor's prayer for unity as a prayer for nudity so that's a good start.
Also thought I heard a caller refer to this pastor as "annoying" instead of "anointed" so that might be a sign it's time for me to go to bed.

(For the record, the Friday night pastor is the one that sings the same song every five minutes for three hours so I wouldn't blame her.)
Whoa. Friday night Dial-A-Prayer pastor *actually* came through with some real wisdom: "When you are down to nothing, God is up to something."
Tonight's Dial-A-Prayer nugget: "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger."
Dial-A-Prayer pastor lady just mentioned WWJD bracelets. Do they still exist?
Bringing back this thread to mention tonight's Dial-A-Prayer opening sermon theme: coronavirus. Mentions of social distancing, staying home, and my personal favorite part: "testing positive for faith."

(This is obviously *highly* problematic, but I had to share.)
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