no one who owns a Chevy Silverado has a remote concept of what a blinker is
dodge challenger owners don’t possess spacial reasoning
toyota sedan owners believe that once that their blinker is on, their moving over is the priority of everyone around them
if it’s a weekend after 9 pm, you’re probably drunk driving (applicable to everyone)
the face of drivers (often sedan users) who put on their blinker at the very last point of a lane next to an exit and don’t get let over
if you own a buick, you cannot stay in your lane when you turn
if you use a jeep wrangler you don’t really ever *decide* on a lane do you
speaking of indecision, Ford truck owners would rather drive in the invisible middle lane on the highway than pick the left or right lane
all of you think leaving work at 5 pm and getting on the freeway at the same time is a valid decision, yet get shook when traffic occurs
don’t get me started on parking jobs
luxury car owners get over like you won’t hit them
No one understands the concept of a passing lane
If your car resembles a cube, you probably drive way too slow and it’s probably going to result in an accident one day bc of my next point
70% of drivers, especially if you’re in a dodge charger do not understand the concept of breaking distance
we can’t all go 80 on a 60 during traffic
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