Correcting the record on misinformation amplified by Russia on Kamala Harris — A Thread
California was a sanctuary state and still is. Meaning that they had no obligation to tell ICE or Police of any arrests of undocumented juveniles, she supported a change in the policy that would report to ICE illegal immigrants who committed serious crimes
No one was arrested under Kamala Harris’ DA office for Truancy. When she looked at statistics she found that the most likely homicide victims were high school dropouts and sought to thwart this behavior.
The article is intellectually dishonest because it suggests that it was Kamala who got this woman locked up. When it was a rogue prosecutor from another county that arrested this woman. Kamala has condemned these actions.
On declining to prosecute Steve Mnuchin, she as AG did not have subpoena power and as such could not go after him for his crimes. As senator she sponsored a bill so that this would no longer be the case.
Steve Mnuchin donated to Kamala’s campaign for senate and she voted against him. She passed a bill in the senate that would later prosecute bad actors like him which didn’t exist before. This tweet suggests that there was pay for’s dishonest
She voted NO to Steve Mnuchin’s nomination. Something that wasn’t mentioned in this tweet.
Under Harris the black prison population in California decreased and weed convictions did as well. In 2004 Kamala Harris created a Back on Track program that redirected low level drug offenders from prison to job training programs
The suggestion that she was pandering is ill informed considering the hosts of The Breakfast Club defended her and stated she wasn’t. She also didn’t prosecute people as DA for low level drug offenses. See Back on Track Program
This is awful that this happened. I disagree with the legal argument advanced by the Attorney General on this but as AG Kamala Harris has the State as a client and had to enforce laws as they were. She doesn’t support 3 strikes.
The woman who is the subject of this article can attest to the fact that Kamala Harris worked privately behind the scenes to get her the medical treatment she needed. She as AG had to defend correctional facilities in court but behind the scenes she helped
The suggestion that Kamala Harris tacitly supported rape of inmates is ill informed and offensive. She has spent her entire career locking up rapists and would never be complicit where crimes exist.
Kamala Harris is against for Profit Prisons and has called for a ban on them. This attack that she “stood silent” doesn’t hold water in the face of her years of advocacy against it.
The Hyde Amendment is the law. She is opposed to it but in every congressional budget money cannot be expended for abortions because it’s the law. So literally no senator can currently vote in favor of federally funded abortions. She wants to repeal it.
Kamala Harris believes in congressional approval before any step is taken by USA to advance a war footing. That’s why she has the support of @RepBarbaraLee, the only congresswoman who voted against authorization of use force for Iraq war.
Fact-check this tweets uses a doctored video by a Sanders supporter that manipulates a video to not reveal the context. She was making a broader argument about the need for programs to reduce recidivism and prisons.
Donald Trump was a Democrat until he became a Republican. He donated to all political parties because he is truly a man of no values other than self-enrichment. Ivanka is the same kind of person.
Sex work is illegal in 49 states. She made history in 2019 when she said that she supports the legalization of sex work and going after Pimps. She actually did this work as a Prosecutor when she refused to arrest prostitutes and instead went after Pimps.
Blackpage was profiting off of child sex work and was in the business of supporting sex trafficking. They were warned by AG Harris and didn’t listen. She took action to protect children and innocent parties from traffickers and pedofiles. Nuance guys!
Kamala Harris as AG had no obligation to weight into M4A; however her mother died of cancer and had Medicare —without it Kamala wasn’t sure how she could afford treatment. When she was Senator she immediately supported Bernie’s Bill.
Kamala Harris was not responsible for this but a rogue lab technician.
It’s disgusting that this happened. It’s not her fault however.
Would you have rather Harris bring a case against people on doctored evidence by a lab technician?
The Iran Nuclear Deal worked. Kamala supports a tightening of sanctions and strengthening of the agreement so that Iran can never be a nuclear power. Nuclear power is an existential threat to this planet!
The Criminal Standard is: Beyond a reasonable doubt.
A prosecutor cannot just espouse a claim in court and waste the courts time. I think more people need to become au fait with the legal system.
Let Wikipedia guide you:
Evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt is the standard of evidence required to validate a criminal conviction. Generally, prosecutors bear the burden of proof and are required to prove their version of events to this standard.
If Kamala didn’t bring a case to court more than likely the Prosecutors office decided the case could not be proved to the satisfication of this standard.
Stop politicizing the judicial system.
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