Watching one of my late '90s favorites:


Note: Haven't seen in years but I watched it so much back in the day that I could probably turn the sound off & quote every line from memory.
Yes, it's funny as hell & OMG, Joan Cusack kills me every time she's on screen but 1 weird thing I love about it is that it is the ultimate epitome of a John Cusack character. Existential, highly verbal, quick witted, & obsessed with pop culture.
He's searching for meaning & purpose, questioning institutions, authority, & figuring out who he is beneath the male bravado. It's a great bridge between say, the John Cusack character in SAY ANYTHING (& others) & the guy he played in HIGH FIDELITY.
"Well, I don't want to get into a semantic argument with you..." is a line I have used on many an occasion.

The entire scene at the restaurant between Dan Aykroyd & John Cusack is an all-timer. Rhythmic, rapid fire dialogue, no blinking, & so much alliteration.
"...but a millionaire's pet gets detonated & you're marked for life.

Watching Cusack & Piven carry a dead dude wrapped in a banner as Nena's "99 Luftballons" plays.

This soundtrack is still killer:
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