THREAD: Electric Propulsion šŸš€āœØ - a cool way to get around in space
1/ What is it? Itā€™s a class of propulsion systems that use electrical energy to energize a gas, and accelerate it to produce thrust!
2/ What are some types of Electric Propulsion (EP): Electrostatic, Electromagnetic and Electrothermal! (Notice all that electro-, this just means all of them are driven by some kind of interaction with an electric field)
2 - part 2/ Electric fields are basically just the path that a positively charged particle will go, when placed in a field! They always go from positive to negative. In EP systems, they are typically created with anodes (negatively charged) and cathodes (positively charged)
3/ Remember the types of EP only differ by how they accelerate the propellant - basically how they THROW the energy from direction to the other to produce thrust in the opposite direction. thatā€™s all thrust really is: throwing something in the opposite direction!
4/ you do this to produce an equal and opposite force in the other direction! :) now just imagine throwing a million tomatoes in the vacuum of space! Thereā€™s less of an atmosphere in space so thereā€™s nothing to stop you from going the opposite direction!
5/ this is the biggest benefit of EP! It produces relatively low thrust (by relative I mean compared to the big chemical rockets that took the Tesla Roadster into space) HOWEVER, because thereā€™s less particles in space to stop your spacecraft from moving, you can accumulate speed
6/ So whatā€™s the advantage of Electric Propulsion over Chemical Propulsion? EFFICIENCY! One of the highest amounts of thrust produced by an electric thruster was like 5.4 Newtons whereas a chem rocket can hit up to 1.8 MILLION Newtons! So how on Earth is that better?
7/ well thatā€™s the point! Space propulsion is meant to be used in space. If you strapped an electric thruster on a car today it would take like 4-5 days to get up to 60 mph! But in space, you can reach up to like 948473893 m/s over time for wayyy less propellant/fuel!
8/ you tell me, as a spacecraft designer, would you like to strap this to your spacecraft (left - solid rocket booster from shuttle days) or this (right - little baby xenon propellant tank)?
9/ Thereā€™s no way itā€™s all good in the hood... whatā€™s the drawback? POWER. Oh lawd. POWER.
10/ Like I said before, electrical power is the most important factor for EP. Itā€™s how you energize your propellant! The most popular EP propellant is xenon gas. The gas is energized to move it from its neutral state to a charged state with electrons (-) and (+) Xenon ions.
11/ It is then accelerated by electrostatic/magnetic/thermal means (weā€™ll get into that later) BUT BASICALLY MORE POWER = MORE PARTICLES TO ACCELERATE (thrust out of the back of the thruster). And sometimes it takes ALOT.
13/ now the reason I havenā€™t gotten too much into the physics is because there are a plethora of types of EP thrusters that fit VERY different spacecraft mission needs and spacecraft sizes. Here is a nice list :) (courtesy of @esa
14/ Iā€™m hoping to specialize in Hall-Effect Thrusters (HETs) and Ion thrusters when I get to grad school! I would be happy to talk/ answer questions about those but I hope this was a good general overview of why EP is cool and great! (PS: it also looks super sci-fi šŸ˜Ž)
NOW! If that sucked which Iā€™m sure it did to some, here is a great resource that explains this much more thoroughly than I did :! I hope you all enjoyed this!
I TOTALLY forgot to put a disclaimer on this: I HAVE NEVER TAKEN A CLASS IN EP. lol. This is all from independent study/research, and knowledge from my internships! So please, donā€™t take this (or any info) at face value. Use this as a starting point and do ur own research!
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