THREAD: For those who think Kamala is it bc she gave a good speech thru political manipulation that was clear as day, & she should be somehow believed, here’s w/ RECEIPTS why doing anything other than exposing her record is a detriment to the American people but especially POC...
Here’s the list of all links on Kamala Harris’s dismal record.🔥👇🏼

1) As California AG she defended State Death Penalty Laws; She “urged the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn a lower court decision invalidating the state's death penalty.”
5) Despite “over a thousand violations of foreclosure laws by Mnuchin’s bank “Refused to prosecute OneWest and CEO Steve Mnuchin for criminal conduct. Mnuchin donated $2,000 to her senate campaign – the ONLY campaign to which he donated.
Another link on this: She was the only one to receive money from him.
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