My wife has just been challenged for being in the “wrong” (female) toilet. This never used to happen to her.

I want to say to “gender critical” people:

You are damaging trans people, and that’s bad enough.

When people are confronted and questioned in toilets, they’re then trapped in a small space with someone acting aggressively towards them. My wife is a strong woman but even she feels intimidated by this. STOP IT. STOP IT NOW.
As you can see, my wife is a butch babe. She’s been butch-presenting for many years, but says it’s only very recently that these challenges have started. It’s making her anxious and it’s getting worse. No fucking joke, she wears this badge now.
As this thread has gone way beyond people who already know me and my wife, I’ll clarify that we’re both cis women.
Well, it’s been fun arguing with TERFs (haha no it’s hasn’t), but I have actual work to do today so I’m muting this thread now. Thank you for the many messages of support ❤️
And to those just joining the thread: please don’t feel you have to engage with bigots if you don’t want to. We can just let their questions (which, p.s., have already been answered several times) sit there and stink like the farts they are
This tweet thread has become a bit of a trash fire (I muted it ages ago so I’ve had a lovely chilled-out weekend, thanks 😎), so just popping in to suggest that everyone watch this video before commenting, as it answers a lot of your questions:
You can follow @kirstylogan.
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