I’m not sure I’ll ever have a bigger twitter win than this one, so I’m allowed to brag. Tragedy of celebrity gender lobbyism in three acts, with strong female characters to boot. 😂
Because this has blown up a bit, this is the context for those not in the know. Alice Roberts has been justifying her support for sex self-identification and when she was challenged with scientific facts - that sex can’t be changed and that woman is an adult human female
She maintained that we should be nice and do it anyway. When she was challenged about dangers of missexing people in a medical setting, and when women told her about destruction of single-sex spaces (sport, toilets, prisons, medical care) that presence of males would bring
She ignored and blocked them, and then left twitter claiming she was “bullied”. Then she came back, quoting Confucius, and had him quoted back at her, successfully. Her response, as a professor of public engagement in science, was not to engage but to block me too.
Oh the irony.
We have the fourth act, and it’s a tragicomedy. 😂
I joke and laugh, but the truth is, this exchange with Alice Roberts has left me depressed and terrified. Because we have been putting up with lies, gaslighting and total absence of accountability from people in positions of power for several years now.
We all know a number of politicians and professionals who didn’t know that gender non-conforming youth are being unethically experimented on with grave consequences to their long-term health, and that women have been put in danger of male violence by this cult.
When they become aware of this, most retreat from the debate for the fear of their jobs. The cult has been persecuting its opponents into unemployment and social shame, and justifying all kinds of violence against them, it’s their MO, so no wonder people are afraid.
But people like Alice Roberts and the MPs who are jumping to “get to the bottom of” how a gay man got robbed of an LGBT job in Labour by a self-ID straight man, but when this is happening to women, they goad us, calling us “transphobes” and persecute us.
What’s most terrifying is the apparent obtuseness, how nothing we say, no matter how important or obvious it is, they pretend not to hear us, not to understand us, they block our words, and then they turn to their millions of followers and just continue shilling for the cult.
There are desperate parents whose autistic daughters are getting sterilised because they cannot bear becoming women. Rape survivors who are already missing out on medical care because single-sex wards and care cannot be guaranteed as long as any man can self-ID as a woman.
Women in prisons are abused by male sex offenders who self ID as women in order to gain access to victims. But none of this touches the “feelings” of women who built their careers on “being a feminist” and are now using the excuse of male “feelings” to perpetrate this atrocity.
Not every sentence in this thread makes sense, sorry, I’m terrified and my ptsd has been out of whack these last couple of weeks. All I can think about is that time I ended up in hospital with my first pulmonary embolus, seeing this older man with white hair in a hospital gown
Loiter around my bed in the middle of the night. Looking intensely at me, as if trying to figure out if I was asleep. Whacked out on morphine and struggling to move and breathe I sat up, didn’t sleep and did everything I could to get out of there. It was a mixed sex ward.
I convinced a colleague to let me go before I had full investigations, because I was terrified of that man and the way he looked at me. Two weeks later I pulled through such a massive thromboembolic event, that no doctors ever saw anyone survive it.
I’ll never get back what I lost, and many women won’t survive what actions of this male supremacist cult have done to women’s and children’s safety and rights. Important thing is, we are invisible, muted, blocked, so that the shills can delude themselves that they’re righteous.
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