Yesterday I got some crappy news that ruined my whole day. So Elijah did this. I don’t deserve him. 🥺♥️
Yes, there are REALLY romantic men out there. This isn’t the first romantic gesture my MANS has done for me. He’s been winning me over since before we even started TALKING.

Before we even went on our first date he left this outside my house.
When I told him how much I loved plants, he went and got me a garden.
When I got the flu and told him he couldn’t see me bc I was ugly and contagious, he left a care package outside my front door.
He literally made me cards with “52 things he liked about me” (it was before we started saying the L word lmao)
He cleaned my entire car and washed it bc of my shitty day at work, knowing I had a ton of shit I had to do that day..🥺
For Christmas he made me a mini art studio in my room bc I LOVE art ♥️
Not to mention he gets me flowers CONSTANTLY bc I told him that my ex never bought me flowers and that is all I wanted. (No dig to my ex he just wasn’t the romantic type)
When he takes me on dates they’re always directly related to thing I ENJOY doing. Art/wine nights, art museums, meow wolf, always makes it about what he KNOWS I love doing.
It’s the little things: I used to hate valentines so he made it super special, if I was hungover he’d think of me when he was at Walgreens, he adds hearts to EVERY meal he cooks me, and thinks of me ALWAYS.
I LOVE my my dude, even without all the materialistic things I APPRECIATE how much he knows and pays attention to me. I’d give him literally ANYTHING.

Thats fr the love of my life. 🦋
The man/myth/legend.
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