Based on this article, I found my experience of gender, of being fine with my body but not with masculinity as a whole, so much I dislike the label "male", does qualify as a (mild) gender dysphoria. That this view is, in a way, a form of Nonbinary or Gender Diversity.
That this falls under the transgender umbrella, even if I have no desire to change myself or my body, rather wanting to change the (toxic) masculinity of others. Since my view encompasses so much more than just gender, I'll keep using the term Queervidual.
But what does that mean, for me? It's a term meant to encompass everyone as an individual, with their own traits. These traits may fall into any category, but these categories don't define the person. The whole does.
What I strive to do, is to judge based on the person's actions, not the categories one puts themselves in. Though some categories can be tainted so heavily it affects the whole. Yet, mostly those are also categories an individual won't subscribe to. (Racist, or toxic male, e.g.)
To bring it back to myself, in a way this is a bit of coming out; a bit of self discovery that I already was. That "queerviduality" sits under the transgender umbrella. That I have a cisgender body, but that I am in fact #nonbinary. I am not a man.
The important thing for you, reading along, is what this means for you. For your interaction with me. And that doesn't really change. I am still Niels. It's my name, and who I am. It fits. For pronouns, I'm struggling. I don't want to bother ppl. So He/Him or They is both fine.
It might be this changes over time. If reactive masculinity like Baudet's or Trump's wins out, if that becomes the image more associated with men, rather that men shun these toxins; it might be he/him gets the boot. If so, I'll let you know, in tweet and bio.
I'd like to thank @emmaspreekt again for the suggestion that sparked this thread, and to you all for reading it. To @Marrit_Anne for our discussions that helped shape these views. To you all for reading. I can't even begin to start naming everyone, but I trust you know if you did
You can follow @queervidual.
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