Mark Francois goes Commando... an insight into the imaginary military career of the weekend warrior.

Part 1. Iron guts.

Part 2. Life in the TA Catering Corps.

Part 4. Today, Mark joins the Dessert Rats...

Part 5. The dessert (spelt correctly) campaign intensifies in Mark Francois' fantasy military world. Whether the title describes the story or the main character is debatable.

Part 6. Today, in a 'this shit really writes itself' episode: "Half pint commando... how did he get in on the act?"

Part 7. Steaks are high in this lard fought episode.

Part 8. Tonight in Mark's imaginary army world, a scrape with the Hun leaves him late for dinner and he's not bloody happy.

Part 9. The pork pie private single handedly and heroically defends the food depot from the Jerries and Italians.
Also the Americans, the navy, the RAF, his own platoon. Basically anyone who gets within 5 miles of it.

Part 10. Needless to say, he sings like a canary.

I won't even bother photoshopping this one.
Part 11. A Fridge Too Far.
Mark's dream of joining the Paras is just that, a dream. Unfortunately, Mark's moment of glory morphs into a cheese fuelled Ninja Turtles/Ena Sharples nightmare after eating 3 pounds of Wendsleydale before falling asleep.

Part 12. Four Foot Fusiliers, in which the TA Catering Corps corporal takes short orders.

Part 13. Operation Bullshit.
With no regard for his own credibility, Francois goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Part 14. A Pair Of Arses.
Confusion reigns as Chicken Wing Commander Francois (KFC) and his sidekick simultaneously fight for empire and side with fascists.

Dammit, that should have been KFC and mars bar.😡
Part 15: Geoff gets in on the action and takes credit for a war he never fought in, this time hitting a man.
#MarkFrancoisGoesCommando #GeoffBoycottGoesCommando
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