Tonight’s blacklight critter walk with @vexedmuddler was all about the millipedes. Or millipieces, in many cases. (We saw a lot of other cool critters too!) There were an alarming number of body parts from 1 millipede species though – predation, fungal or viral threat? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
We saw a lot of this species, too - but all alive, instead of the many corpses we found of the species in the previous tweet.
We enjoyed watching these fluorescing beauties going about their nocturnal millipede business.
In normal lighting they look like the first photo on the left; in the blacklight, they’re magical creatures.
There were other critters and critter-related structures to be seen. These egg cases fluoresced extremely brightly.
Moths and harvestpersons were abundant.
Nature does not stop going about its business after dark.
We found fishing spiders great and small…
Millipedes that only really fluoresced around their feet, shiny beetles with glowing spots on their antennae, lady bugs and their pupae…
Some amazing fluorescent caterpillars…
…and of course a wide variety of other spider friends, out hunting for dinner – or sometimes just waiting for a delivery.
Not everyone looked their best in the blacklight, so we tried to be flexible.
But if you get a chance to go out and hunt for critters with a black light, don’t pass it up! There are some amazing sights to be seen.
I’ll close things out with this short video of a fluorescent millipede friend going about its nightly routine.
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