"Politics shouldn't interfere with friendship. Just because we disagree, doesn't mean we can't be friends."

I've heard this before. You've heard it before. We've all heard it before.

Here's a thread on my (as always, obviously correct) thoughts on this...

First of all....
I agree with the statement as stated.

But I do not agree with the statement as typically intended.

As intended, it is usually:
"You shouldn't get mad at me just because I voted for [X]. We can still be friends."


The easiest way to explain why this is wrong is to use myself as an example.
I have to confess to some political opinions which are not popular among my social group. So, please.... if I say anything about what I think which you find objectionable... wait til the end.
I am, broadly speaking, a pro-market, anti-government, libertarian.
(I can address the particulars of that in a DIFFERENT THREAD).
There are some major points where I dissent from libertarian "orthodoxy", but it's my primary political orientation.

(The next twet is worse...)
For the last several decades, certainly my entire voting life, the GOP and the Libertarian Party have - in their rhetoric - more closely matched my economic and political philosophy than the Democrats, the Greens, or anyone else.

(Plz keep reading)
I have not once voted for either a GOP or Libtrn for Pres or Congress.


Because I believe that my economic and political opinions should not interfere with my friendships, or my relationships to other people.

While I believe it is POSSIBLE to enunciate a pro-market libertarianism that does NOT throw women, LGBTQ+ folx, people of color, people with disabilities, and basically everyone who isn't cishet white male under the bus... none of them ever have.

(Now... i know some of you think that this is a reason to reject pro-market/libertarian political/economic philosophy wholesale. That is a REASONABLE conclusion to draw and I don't want to argue about it IN THIS THREAD. I'm trying to make an entirely different point.)
Here is my point:

My political opinions are - at best - a *hypothesis* about how a small set of policies and ideals would positively impact society.

But the damage and danger posed by the GOP and most (party) Libertarians is real. It's not a hypothesis.

(I'm also ignoring the fact that the GOP is a bunch of fucking liars and that anything pro-market or libertarian sounding coming out of their mouths is total bullshit. For now I'm pretending they have meant all that seriously. And STILL I wouldn't vote for them.)
When people say "don't let politics interfere with friendship" they are saying "i do what i want and you shouldn't tell me to stop."

When I say it (i don't say it, but if I did) I mean:

I will not vote for my own *abstract opinions* over the lived experience of my friends.

In an imagined, fairytale land where libertarians and communists could argue philosophy without the risk that one side was going to seize power and start wars, open concentration camps, and murder black people I might vote for the libertarians.

We don't live in that world
So even if it means that fiscal and economic policy are not always going to be what I want, or that the regulatory environment is stricter than I think it should be,

I will continue to vote based on who I think will minimize harm and maximize good for vulnerable people.
I will not let my own politics get in the way of friendship.

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