i’m starting a @cwthe100 rewatch and i’m fairly certain it’s a bad choice for many reasons but it says a lot about where i am emotionally that i need to watch some chaos unfold
“You don’t look at me like you used to.” YEAH NO DUH FINN. Clarke was abducted, escaped only to be beaten and dragged through the woods by grounders, THEN reunited with her mom only to find out you went on a killing spree in her name. NO FREAKING DUH.
seriously if everyone could get with the program and realize Clarke should be running this show that would be GREAT
Finn’s death is awful, but justified i think? he felt guilty about murdering 18 to find Clarke, but comes to terms with what he did only when the rest of his camp was in danger. it’s a hard (poignant too) moment to watch because it capitalized on sacrificing one to save many
“They’re being led by a child.”
“So are we.”
👏🏻THANK 👏🏻 YOU 👏🏻 KANE 👏🏻
Jaha expecting the kids he imprisoned and then sent to a new planet to die to treat him with respect is unfair. the kids expecting Jaha to not remember the souls he imprisoned and the ones he sentenced to die is also unfair.
all kinds of heart eyes for Clexa because duh
both Clarke and Bellamy have serious saviour complexes and NO ONE has called them on it yet despite how many times they risk the wellbeing of literally everyone to save each other
LEXA’S DEATH WAS BULLSHIT. just in case you thought i thought differently.
i’ll never be over Lincoln’s death. he and Octavia were always so close to being able to leave behind their societies that never truly accepted them, but in the end suffered because their love for each other ran so deep
the worst part about Jaha being manipulated by ALIE is that he. means. well. Jaha hasn’t been able to handle each devastating blow he’s been dealt since he sent his son and 99 other children to their deaths and GENUINELY wants to help others with their pain and grief
“what do you do when you realize you might not be the good guy?”
“maybe there are no good guys.”
also can we talk about how ALIE and her minions are literally crucifying the people who don’t join their cult
I was finally happy.” JASPER 😭
back on this bullshit because the the finale season is airing currently
“I don’t choose pain. I choose life.”
Jasper’s death ruins me every time. I love his character/arc so much and in the end the pain of his whole story was just too much for him.
I’ve said it a million times: the show could have ended with season 4 finale The last 5 minutes of of the episode were ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY
I started season 5 and while I maintain it’s absolutely unnecessary, I’m sold on the premise?? really hoping it holds up
okay, I appreciate and recognize the Alien-esque monster storyline
“Octavia’s my favourite.” Same, Madi. SAME. like, talk about serious character development and depth.
Bellamy and Octavia sparring is giving me life because what siblings don’t want to beat each other up every once in a while
“I never said I was a hero [...], because I’m not one.”
“I’m not mad you saved my life. I’m mad you made me care about yours.” I love a good redemption arc
season 5 ended with two of my favourite characters having a kid, putting everyone on cryosleep, and finding a new planet to live on/colonize so that’s cool
I love that Monty’s kid is now a part of the show. Poor kid has no clue what he’s gotten himself into
👏🏻 RAVEN 👏🏻 DESERVES 👏🏻 TO 👏🏻 BE 👏🏻 HAPPY 👏🏻
“My sister died a long time ago.” No, Octavia stopped being afraid to be herself and being afraid to die.
Watching Josie pretend to be Clarke is so hilarious because literally everyone can tell what a bad job she’s doing
also Eliza Taylor is an excellent actress
gotta say, if I didn’t know there was another season, I would be VERY stressed right now
it’s fitting that Monty is the one to help Clarke fight her way out of her mind because he has been the moral compass of the show since episode 1
next up on the lists of bullshit deaths: Marcus Kane - slowly dying from a cannibal bite, in cryosleep for 125 years, woken up briefly for a failed surgery and out back under, only to be put in a new body via memory chip à la The Flame
“things are about to get weird.” Because this whole situation isn’t weird enough?? Yes, allowing memories of dead people to be implanted into new bodies is entirely normal.
Kane took responsibility for his actions and sacrificed his life for his people, bringing his final death full circle to actually mean something
I feel for Abby, I really do, especially because she watched both of the men she loved be blown into space, but the woman needs to start thinking about people other than herself
blood cleansing, crucifixion, cannibalism, gladiators, airborne toxins released during an eclipse; why the hell not add burning people at the stake to the mix
the head and the heart.
oh hell yeah, the mind of an evil Commander uploaded into the Wonkru spaceship? EXCELLENT plot twist.
Octavia’s death had better mean something in the grand scheme of things because Doyizams daughter randomly appearing just to murder her makes less than zero sense at this point
season 6 was a RIDE but by far the best season they’ve put together, which makes me both optimistic and worried for the fate of season 7
hopefully it’s obvious at this point, but season 7 spoilers from here on out, so maybe don’t pay attention to this thread if you’re still watching and don’t want to be spoiled
oh sure, an invisible enemy that came through a weird time portal. good.
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