Google company town. Omnipresent Google keeping workers ideologically/behaviorally economized. Regimenting who/what/why/when/where comes in, what books in its library, what happens in its theaters and meetings halls.
Asymmetrical warfare. Google has your labor and autonomy.
Kicking people out of company towns can be a violent thing, the Homestead strike and "Ludlow Massacre" was what happened once, and will happen again, were sparked by the violent eviction of striking workers from their company-owned housing.
George Pullman made a luxury company town and he had a very rigid but seemingly benevolent thoughts about poverty, disease, and alcoholism
His town was outside of Chicago, lots of parks, trees, library hotel, bar
and a church. Pullman owned eveything, leased it, it was uber before uber, fractional ownership. But soon workers wee afraid to go the the Pullman bar, there were always watchful "supervisors"
In a few years a recession hit, Pullman lowered peoples hours and wages, but didnt fire them. And..he didn't lower rents
So, the workers/townfol fell on hard times. They owed back rent, so they couldnt quit! Company towns always end badly... Same thing happened to "Hershey Town"
In the days of company towns, many employees were paid in “company scrip,” an I.O.U. thats value was only redeemed at company stores.
Mexico does this, Google will too...
"Vales de despensa" are coupons and a bigly part of a workers ‘earnings’.
The value of coupon is NOT a declared part of personal income & can be used also in supermarkets, gas stations and even restaurants.
Alcoa pay stubs show median base wage of $1.21hr but...w/attendance, punctuality, etc bonuses and coupons, median wage for line worker =$1.95
As Google will push VERY aggressively soon to manage wage labor inflation, they might try what Greece, barter used when cash is scarce. A system of digital exchange is the Local Alternative Unit, or TEM.
1 TEM = 1 euro. Its not currency, its a way of calculating bartered values
Neofeudalism run amok. It will become sides of the market of law, having administration of the law, soon is will be party to a conflict and also the authority deciding it...
Google is displacing the State and municipal roles. Territorial sovereignty with functional sovereignty. Your laws become an End User License Agreement and Terms of Service

or maybe not?
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