BREAKING! THREAD: Many of you may have heard of Dennis Montgomery. He is a CIA whistleblower who created "The Hammer"(HAMR). There has been much reporting, mainstream and otherwise, about Dennis. I have also covered his story in detail on my channel for the past several years.
He first went public via a real estate tycoon named Tim Blixeth. The conversation that he had with Sheriff Joe Arpaio was recorded and then originally released through soundcloud by "The American Report". Link to their uploads:
Please listen to the audio above and also please listen to these videos that I have done on Dennis Montgomery: and
Montgomery tells a story of completely rogue intelligence agencies spying on every American under the guise of security. Montgomery says he was instructed directly by Brennan and Clapper to penetrate and spy on private corporations and American citizens (cont)
(cont) even replacing voter information in Florida. It was also revealed via Montgomery that President Trump (along with MANY others) were being illegally spied upon as far back as 2012 and earlier. There has been MUCH written about him, both positive and negative (cont)
(cont) in the years since he has come forward. Dennis Montgomery filed DOZENS of whistleblower complaints over the years, and NONE of them were acknowledged. He says he just wanted to get the information about the illegality out so that something could be done about it.
He was ignored by Obama. Many have attacked his credibility and written hit pieces on him. You can find the NY Times doing that here: I will leave it up to you to do some more due diligence on Mr. Montgomery and come to your own conclusions.
What can not be ignored is that he was, in fact, in the positions he claimed he was in. And this was more clear when in December of 2015 he met with the FBI under an immunity agreement, and handed over all of the information he had that proved his claims to the FBI and Jim Comey
He met specifically with James Baker, and he was actually questioned about this when Baker went in front of the House committee. Please see Meadows questions: (bulk of information of page 100) )
Motgomery has alleged publicly, via his former attorney Larry Klayman, that the CIA and Brennan and Clapper were electronically spying on Supreme Court judges, and even FISA court judges and members of congress.
So, after all of this, imagine my surprise when several months ago I received an email from Dennis Montgomery, who I had been covering for years. I made the rules very clear- do not send me ANY information that is classified or holds any classification whatsoever,
He has been sending me links to articles, and some stories of some of the things he was tasked with doing while a contractor with the CIA. Sarah Carter and John Solomon briefly covered his story and then it sort of just fizzled away. They appeared on Hannity to talk about it
As an open source journalist, I don't work with sources. When I get correspondence, I usually respectfully decline, and forward the source along to other reporters I trust. I did that with Dennis, but he continued to email me. I kept reading.
Tonight, he sent me a story that I really wanted to share with everyone. I am just going to throw it up here. I can not confirm it with open source data, and he did not share any hard proof with me. I want to be open and transparent about that.
I can only say this- the Obama administration CERTAINLY was not scandal free. And for all of the outrage the media directs at President Trump for calling the Fake News the enemy of the people? What I am about to share with you was directed at the media FROM the Obama admin.
Here are two print screens of an email I received that I am sharing unedited other than to redact email addresses. This email is from Dennis Montgomery, the man who designed "The Hammer". I got permission from him to share this with all of you:
For those who didn't read that, Montgomery sent me an email that said "We breached the NYT network servers in FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs I worked in more than once collecting information on their management and employees including reporters..." (cont)
..."I produced reporters notes and rough drafts ofthe reporters work prior to them releasing their main story to the FBI as part of my immunity agreement. This information was verified by the FBI. The FBI confirmed the data I produced on August 2015, and I testified.."(cont)
(cont) "to this during my December 2015 meeting with the DOJ and FBI when I was under oath during my video taped interview at the DC FBI headquarters, which I received immunity for"...
Again, this is coming straight from Dennis Montgomery, but I felt it important enough to share with all of you. I am an open source journalist. This is the very first time I am reporting on source information. Note how I am providing you with the sources full name and info.
There has been much said about the credibility of Dennis Montgomery. To date no one has proven him to be lying about anything he has alleged. I wanted to be transparent here, and I have been. But, IMO? This is a pretty terrifying admission about what our IC is doing to Americans
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