A thread

Earlier this week, I was asked to guest on a well-known BBC Radio discussion programme. I said yes, sure, do that all the time.

The next morning, day of the show, I pulled out.

Here's my reasoning.

The original invitation was about me adding a psychological, scientific perspective on a topical matter they'd be discussing. I do this all the time, so was fine to do it. Make some connections, potential book plugs etc. Playing the game, and so forth

Producer called, we went over a few points he wanted me to focus on. This is usually wishful thinking in such discussion shows, as I get maybe 5 mins at the end (if they even remember I'm on the line which is no guarantee) which is invariably trampled on by the host anyway

So I'm not exactly thrilled about these shows anyway. It's around 2 hours out of my day, sitting quietly in a remote studio for nearly an hour, listening to people with minimal understanding but strong views rant, before I get to make a token, stomped-on technical contribution
But, I figure *some* scientific insight is better than none, particularly if it's for an audience that seldom hears such a thing, so I tend to say yes when asked to do them. And that's why I said I'd do this show, and we discussed what I'd say in some ideal scenario
But it was only then was I told who I'd be 'on the panel' with. It was one other academic I didn't know, and three media types who I did know of, largely because I feel they're vile humans and our society would immediately improve if they were launched into space
This should have been said up-front. I deeply resent implicitly-validating such people by sharing a platform with them. Presenting it as if their views are as valid as mine (or more so, given I'm usually just an afterthought) is an indignity I don't feel I have to submit to
A bit 'precious' maybe, but screw it, I stand by it. My qualifications, expertise and current profile were come by honestly, via study and experience. I didn't rise to prominence largely by demonising immigrants or, I don't know, having an affair with a Prime Minister
Was that a bit too 'on the nose'?

Ah, who cares.

I have previous with this. Was once asked to go on BBC Wales to discuss the Higgs Boson discovery. Not sure why, but I said OK. Was then told I'd be debating a moon landing denier and Stephen Green from Christian voice. So I said not OK. I said 'fuck that', if memory serves

But still, that was before I needed publicity and media links for my job/livelihood, so I figured I'd do it just this once, grit my teeth and do my bit, then go home and take a long shower, probably while in the fetal position

That was the day before

Come the day, I get a message in the morning from the producer highlighting the points he wants me to focus on, while saying that the other academic guest has been told to focus on the opposite position, so we can 'get a good argument going'.

Nope. No thanks. I'm out.

I genuinely believe this media tactic of 'Just get everyone angrily arguing regardless of subject matter, evidence, facts or reality' is a big part of why we're currently in the sorry state we're in

The thought of knowingly CONTRIBUTING to it? Nope. Not a line I'll cross

I'm not naive, I know these shows and things like Question Time are set up to produce blazing rows, not inform or enlighten. But I, optimistically perhaps, assumed it was more 'organic'; they just put 'outspoken' types with opposing views together, let nature take its course

To find out that it was an *active* thing, that people are *told* to create arguments, that was a bleak realisation. Again, probably me just being overly-optimistic this whole time. But still, there are worse character traits, I'd say.

What was most dispiriting was how nice and blase everyone I spoke to about it was. They were very open and up front about it, and were genuinely surprised when I objected.

This is the norm. They seemed confused that anyone *wouldn't* want to argue for no reason.

So yeah. All these complaints about how every political or topical discussion degenerates into an angry bellowing slagging match? Seems that's a feature, not a bug.

Might be worth knowing, if it wasn't only me who hadn't figured that out already.

So basically, I've probably burned some decent-sized bridges with the BBC and other media types via this, so if you could pre-order or just check out my new kids book (out August 22nd), that might help offset the damage my principles have done

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