Agree with this and the overall communalization of crimes based on the religion of the perpetrator and the victim.
But, when fights over railway seats, tiffs between kids and crimes over property are given religious color by commentators, the general public will also catch up.
The ease with which certain crimes are being called 'hate crimes' just coz the victims are Muslim n d perpetrators are Hindu, shd make us realize where this disease originates from.
Some have managed to intellectualize it through fake hate crime trackers. Others may sound crass.
The overall noise around the Aligarh and the Kathua case left me deeply uncomfortable. With the competitive clamoring for placards n even subtle defense somehow seeping in.
But this is what the exaggerated lynching narrative has managed to do. Associate every crime with religion
This is a terrible direction that we are heading in. Of competitive victimhood based on religion even though crimes may have nothing to do with it. That is why when the fake church attack bogeys n everything is lynching narratives were floated, people shd have paused n reflected.
This will make its way deep into the social fabric and all we will be left with is,
'where were you, where is your placard, why are you quiet now' kind of anger on one side, and disgusting whitewashing of crimes to settle political scores, on the other.
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