This looks like the most shitty, bland, and regressive game I’ve seen in years. Imagine thinking of a cyberpunk future and all you can come up with is “scruffy white guy with a gun.” This is a game for people who think looking like that is cool.
This box art looks like it would make the kinds of shitty 2014 transphobic jokes CDProjekt’s marketing department is known for.
This box art thinks the age of consent is a form of slavery.
This box art thinks you can stop Nazis by proving their ideas are bad.
This box art thinks that it’s important we acknowledge that all lives matter.
This box art votes against a woman’s right to choose but calls itself “apolitical.”
This box art has a Clockwork Orange poster on its wall.
This box art thinks that if fast food workers wanted to make more money, they should get STEM degrees.
This box art thinks Tyler Durden was the hero. But that breaking a Starbucks window in a protest is not acceptable.
This box art thinks it’s not prejudiced, just “gender critical.”
This box art thinks Elon Musk is rich because he worked hard.
This box art thinks you can consent while passed-out drunk.
This box art thinks it’s good that black lives matter demonstrates but that they’d make more headway if they didn’t block traffic.
This box art thinks the real problem is labor unions.
This box art is for free speech for everybody except women on YouTube who have opinions about video games.
This box art imports copies of Japanese swimsuit volleyball games with advanced jiggle physics but thinks queer people are just too sexual in public.
This box art just doesn’t understand why people don’t like PewDiePie.
This box art thinks the reason wages are so low is because employers aren’t allowed giving people even lower wages.
This box art tells you it isn’t racist but likes to share articles about how black people’s skull shapes mean they have lower IQs.
This box art has a black friend. Whose twitter account looks suspiciously just like his except with a black Shutterstock photo avatar.
This box art thinks minorities just can’t take a joke, but reports anyone who uses the word “mayonnaise” in a reply to him.
This box art writes marketing copy for CDProjektRed’s Twitter account.
(The people misgendering me in the replies are doing a wonderful job of proving the point.)
Also just gonna do y’all a public service and remind you that it takes you much longer to jerk off a reply than it takes me to block you.
This box art thinks that my blocking them on Twitter dot com is literal violence.
Points to all the guys sucking off a corporation in my mentions who seem to have no idea they were literally what the cyberpunk genre was made to criticize.
This box art asks if the one hot pepper on the menu after the curry is "spicy," or, "you know, really spicy."
A thousand guys in my mention yelling at me and insulting me, demanding I "chill out about video games." Yet, they're yelling in a stranger's mentions. Why don't they "chill out about strangers on twitter dot com?"
Believe me when I say, I'm not upset by this stupid boring box. I'm laughing at you. I knew exactly the response you'd give, and I think it's super cute. You motherfuckers get outraged so easily.
I managed to get this fucking guy in my mentions.
This box art is in my mentions right now.
Grow some thicker skin white boys.
This box art wants us to know that actually, Sharia Law, Chads, and Stacys are why he shot up that school.
"If Ur NoT uPsEt Y u Do BuNcH of TwEeTs hUh? OWNED REKT LIBTARD!"

Dude if you think my making a bunch of sarcastic joke tweets is a sign of my being upset, go outside. Go to an art museum. Take a community theater class. Do literally anything but be online.
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