[ m y · a b s o l u t e · c r u s h ]

Kubota Masataka
窪田 正孝
Born August 6, 1988.

The youngest of three boys, he wasn't interested in the entertainment industry, but instead, he worked at a gas station with the goal of becoming a mechanic. He attended Kanagawa Prefectural Kanagawa Technical High School for that aim.
I must confess that with most of his dramas I have watched, he was a recognizable second character.
Currently watching Radiation House and Death Note and it has not disappointed yet.
[ m e m o r a b l e · r o l e (s) ]

A list.
He plays the extremely talented but dissatisfied musician in the band "Crude Play", Shinohara Shinya.

(The Liar and His Lover)
Smokey is the leader of the Rude Boys who is very sick but protects his gang members and civvies alike.

(HIGH&LOW Series)
He plays Kaneki Ken, the main protagonist of Tokyo Ghoul.
Kubota Masataka as Light Yagami, a genius.

The 86th The Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Actor for Death Note.

(Death Note 2015)
A lovely boy with well-written development character, Kube Rokuro.

A 28-year-old silly guy that never want to work, Himonya Sho.

He did a very good job as Kawakami Bansai.

(Gintama 2 : Rules are Made To Be Broken)
He plays Igarashi Iori, a bit clumsy guy who works as a fresh medical radiology technician.

(Radiation House)
[ f a c t (s) ]
1. He loves sweet things (amai tabemono) and his favorite food is ICE CREAM.
2. He has a weird hobby, he loves car and bike (although he said “bike”, it means motorcycle). He loves washing car and motorcycle than driving them around.
3. Due to his love toward ice cream, he often brush his teeth to keep them healthy.
4. He loves cat so much.
5. He takes bath three times a day.
6. His type of girl are girl who smile and laugh a lot and always put strong effort for everything (never give up).
7. He love sleeping than eating. LOL.
8. He can dance and he ia a EXILE fanboy.
9. His body is well build, but he never trained his mucle or body. When he had to do fighting scene, he just do it normally on location and never does an exercise.
10. He is shy boy. When he invited to variety show or TV program, he always feels nervous and doesn’t speak much unless host ask him question.
[ s h i p (s) ]
1. Kubota Masataka/Ishihara Satomi

Kube and Mikoto was cute.
2. Kubota Masataka/Honda Tsubasa

Igarashi and An in Radiation House.
3. Kubota Masataka/Nikaido Fumi.
Bonus :
[ o w a r i ]
{Or not yet?}
Another Memorial Role :
Mochizuki Ryouta (The Last Cop)
He starts voice actor debut in the anime feature film Monster Strike The Movie: Sora no Kanata (Beyond The Sky) as its protagonist Kanata.

Personally, I love his voice.
Kubota Masataka/Kawaguchi Haruna

Their cute interaction in Himomen made me melt.
Kubota as Naruse Shinji in N no Tame Ni (The Testimony of N). I always want to hug him; he deserves love very much. When I started to watch this drama, I didn't expect that I will find a precious gem like him.
Their chemistry is still the best among all.

Kubota Masataka/Eikura Nana as Naruse Shinji and Sugishita Nozomi in N no Tame ni. They potrayed their character in a perfect way.
N no Tame ni is the best drama for me. I mean, I have watched a lot of drama, but N no Tame ni is different from the others. It has a good development character; a complex plot but after all it's really good; a warm relationship between the characters; and a magnificent excution.
Don't forget about the bittersweet ending.

It breaks my heart.
Kubota-kun as Arisugawa Alice in Rinsho Hanzai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri. He works as a mystery writer.

I still waiting for second season of this drama in this year.
He plays as a bad high school student, Masabuchi Tobio in Fugitive Boys (Bokutachi ga Yarimashita).

How old are you, Kubota-kun? You still looks so young!
Kubota Masataka/Nagano Mei.

Tobio and Renko is cuteness.
In Bokutachi ga Yarimashita, Tobio loves Renko very much.

But actually in real life, now Kubota dating Mizukawa Asami, who played as his teacher in Bokutachi ga Yarimashita. They lived together and have similiar favorite thing; cat. I hope they will be marry soon!
For the real cuteness doses, lemme give you this ship :
Kubota Masataka/Sasaki Nozomi.

They played as Mochizuki Ryouta and Suzuki Yui in The Last Cop; and reunited again in Tokyo Ghoul. They are cute!
To be honest; after rewatched The Last Cop (season 1-2 and the movie), I think Chan-Ryo and Chan-Yui (it's how they called others in the drama, how sweet) have a great development.

They are cute.
Bless the photographer who took this picture.

Igarashi and An-chan, how sweet!
I won't mind shipping Kubota-kun and Shida Mirai in a drama. They are cute in ST Aka to Shiro no Sosa Fairu.

The drama is worth to watch too.
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