This image is Jungian. It’s fucking primordial. It’s truer than true. He’s Icarus, but he’s gone beyond Icarus. He’s accepted the mortality, embraced it. In accepting he has conquered, ready to drink death like water. He has gone beyond life and death. Here, he is Helios.
This is another one of those photos that perfectly captures the zeitgeist, the current year. If you had nothing but the two photos in this thread, 100 years hence, you could pretty accurately reconstruct what went wrong.
Continuing my visual diary of the eternal current year
THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.
Once in a while a picture emerges that so perfectly captures the times in which we live
Once in a while a picture emerges that so perfectly captures the times in which we live
For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
Same energy
The most unfiltered view of the shitlib female mind ever produced.
A "world leader" is an effete professional manager whose peak libidinal experience is getting henpecked by a repressed teenage girl doing a hammy Scarlett O'Hara impression
I've been meaning to add this one. Look at that confident smirk. This man is hero, and we should all strive to be like him. He spoke truth to the matriarchy and it tried to fight back, but nothing could dampen his inner strength of spirit.
Unfortunately, this speaks for itself.
I did not include this image because of its filth. Slovenly women are unremarkable. The depravity of this image, (and also, in a sick way, its artistry) is in the PRIDE of the woman it depicts. She is pleased with herself.

"Daddy, I pooped, aren't I special?"
She just looks so elated to finally be who she really is. You can see love and happiness radiating from her face. That lightness in her step, that joie de vivre, that je ne sais quois...
He gazed up at the enormous face. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sister
Stealing this from a popular tweet of the day. Look at his eyes. Look at the women, the almost sexual thrill they get out of lording it over this young boy. "Six feet apart" "Keep your mask on"

This is toxic femininity
A fundamental female instinct is to ask males to castrate themselves. A part of them really wants this, but they want even more for you to stand up to them.

Society has been re-engineered to teach young boys they must acquiesce in order to be "a decent person"
Words cannot convey the depravity required to do this to your son. As if castrating your boy weren't bad enough, it will make him fat. It's the 300lb cherry on top of the festering sundae

POV: you turned your son into a dickless hamplanet for likes on facebook
It's a little off the beaten path for this thread but it's another one of those haunting, perfect moments

The formation of the nascent medical dictatorship is a direct consequence of number of women in positions of power. Women are more (too) conservative about risk and disease
From an Australian covid camp

Feminism creates + reinforces medical tyranny. Women are more prone to groupthink, more afraid of diseases, more willing to enforce norms remorselessly

Critical mass of women in govt. and administration causes perpetual state of emergency.
And then one day for no reason at all
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